ABC News Breakfast Jan 12 around 7.15 AM run a short story on government planning, at least wanting to organise age 3 years early child learning. Images shown were of a child walking on a plank suspended 300mm above the ground. Looks much like a military boot camp training course.
Training dogs to perform tasks: sit; stay; rollover; etc., at first using food rewards, eventually removing food rewards, dogs feel pleasure on doing learnt tasks, eventually being rewarded with food, simple dog brains feeling food rewards are coming on not getting food rewards dogs are merely performing tasks on the feel good factor of future rewards.
My age 87 years retired school principle friend goes fishing 'giving much of his fish away' during early mornings as many days the weather allows. Fishing is more repetitive tasking rather than intelligent working out new tasks to perform, new learning.
Young children playing in sand boxes, doing physical activities consuming children’s time also reducing children’s boredom. Children are being programmed to feel good about physical activities rather than use boredom to encourage working out what adults are doing, why adults are doing what they’re doing, learning how to practice thought.
Why Queensland have many youth crime issues? why one third of primary age children have poor reading skills issues? I’d theorise children are not only poorly taught at school, teachers getting children to copy text from white boards, that many children hurrying to finish before teachers end sessions, teachers begin talking about other subjects, children whom are slow readers are copying group of letters onto text books without reading words.
Teachers keeping up with education departments’ required pace of forced time limit learning, teacher talking and tasking, as years progress adding more pointless tasks angering children, many children don’t care about the information being forced upon them, turn learning trivial data for exams into a competition, wanting/deluding they’re smarter than most all other students, getting angry when proven less than imagined. Long term developing narcissism, getting angry when challenged to understand more complex ideas compared to forced short statement trivia, complex ideas like no man has walked on the moon’s surface, the many reasons being explained merely confuse dog (AI) intelligence brains emotional inner brain to either fight (argue to stop the person from talking) or flight (run away).
My believed better thinking is that young children should be kept calm, encouraging children to talk about things rather than play chasing balls type games, preventing children from feeling achievement for doing simple brain activities, acting like dogs chasing balls, keeping young children away from watching sports’ visual running, stimulating brains into enjoying mere physical activities, feeling reduced boredom, to parents children may seem happy during those moments a positive behaviour, long term children grown into adults whom act more dog brain like rather than human thinker intelligence, human brains encouraged behaviours become instinctively involved in: gambling, deluding ideas of how smart they feel when short lasting rewards stimulate dog like brain chemical stimulation, short attention span brains can’t feel stupid after losing loads on money.
The benefit to governments are governments force adults to endure higher interest rates after periods of low interest rate borrowing, dog intelligence believing RBA inflation fixing theories; send young adults to wars based on vague poorly explained reasons exampling the 1950s to mid 1970s Vietnam War Falling Domino effect theory, which at wars end never happened, that created in 1965 The Pentagon Papers, US Federal Government knew they couldn’t win the war yet invented excuses that presidents on their watch didn’t want to lose the war, rather stupid excuse indicating dog like brain stupidity citizenry were too distracted by their own repetitive all knowing everything as true belief activities.
Television programming which attracts citizenry to watch television, average 60 minute programs have 20 minutes of advertising reinforcing ideas that citizenry live in a consumer driven product industrial society. Such beliefs allow inflation to reduce the wealth of people, that governments are forcing inflation onto consumers to reduce long term consumer consumption, to reduce a need to produce goods for sale. I could theorise repeated commercials dog like train watchers to ignore already known information, that rethinking information other than what’s already believed is not required.
Resulting property land inflation aided by building material inflation increases the difficulty in saving for deposits to buy first home properties. Rising property prices above other investment choices encourages desires to own property, reducing money spent on consumer goods.
Tailor Swift’s many highly emotional young followers I strongly believe are due to school learning stresses, students after school listening to her music feel reduced awareness of school learning stresses, dog like inner brain behaviour training.
During August 1965, Beatles toured USA, held a concert at Shea Stadium, in front of an audience of 55,600 fans, shown on television to have screaming front row female teenagers. John Lennon complained why attend a concert only to loudly scream, unable to hear music.