Brutal CCTV footage from October 7th, 2023, captures the moment a civilian woman is executed after attempting to escape being taken hostage by a group of Hamas fighters. The woman in the video was filmed by two kibbutz CCTV cameras and a dashcam in a nearby vehicle, but she has not been identified at this time. don't make it a habit of posting content like this on Funker530, but in this instance, I think it's important to do so. Every day, on footage related to Israel, we read a constant stream of comments from people who truly believe that Israel is at fault for the current conflict happening in Gaza. These same comments often go out of their way to legitimize Hamas as a small ragtag band of freedom fighters resisting against a tyrannical regime who want nothing more than to commit genocide against the Palestinian people they share a landmass with.
Because of that, it's incredibly important that we share these graphic images with the world on a constant and consistent basis so that there is no question about who the Israelis are dealing with in regards to their next-door neighbors. Let me be clear: Hamas fighters would throw members of the LGBTQIA+ community from the rooftops in Tel Aviv if they were capable of meeting their military objectives. They would require women to live under the rules and confines of doctrinal Sharia Law at the penalty of death. Hamas is a run-of-the-mill Islamic extremist faction made up of 8th-century barbarians that happen to be governmentally in charge of the Palestinian people, and it is no coincidence that their fighters exclusively maneuver in and amongst the civilian population of Palestine. Hamas is a rabid dog, and Israel needs to put that dog down.
To Hamas, the civilian population of Palestine is their greatest military asset and weapon system. They've set the conditions of the battlefield extremely well over the last 22 years, watching Asymmetric Warfare throughout the Middle East. They know for a fact that it is militarily impossible for the Israeli Defense Force to maneuver through Palestine without causing collateral damage. As a result, they've established their own doctrine that maximizes the efficacy of their fighters by using the Israeli rules of engagement as a governor for Israeli violence of action. Every dead Palestinian civilian is a political win for Hamas on the world stage because it legitimizes the group in the eyes of people who have never seen their country and who don't have more than a surface-level understanding of the conflict or war in general.
It's disingenuous to look at the suffering and war in Palestine and claim that it is any worse than anywhere else in the world where conflict exists on a daily basis. Today, in vast amounts of continental Africa, there are entire nations where genocide and violence are being actively committed against innocent people. If you look at nations like Chad, Congo, Nigeria, or the Central African Republic, you'll see entire war-torn regions that get zero attention from the same people standing on a soapbox for Hamas. In China, there's an active genocide against Uyghur Muslims, but again, that's not the profitable topic to discuss because genocide against an Islamic minority is only wrong if the Jewish people are the perceived aggressor. In Myanmar, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Somalia, and Northern Iraq, there are active conflicts with innocent people dying at a near cyclic rate, but no one bats an eye at the news of a village being wiped off the map, man-woman-and-child in the Sagaing region of Myanmar.
Somehow, someway, there was a spin on the 10/7 attacks where individuals turned a group of 8th-century barbarians who murdered 1,200 Israeli civilians into the good guys. These individuals may claim that they don't support Hamas, and that the Israelis and Palestinians should just attempt a two-state solution, but they fail to recognize the fundamental problem at the very core of the issue. Hamas and a majority of the Islamic world want nothing more than for the Jewish state of Israel to cease to exist, and for the Jewish people to disappear with it. There is a reason that Adolf Hitler was quoted as saying "The peoples of Islam will always be closer to us than, for example, France", and it's because Anti-Zionism is just Antisemitism under a more culturally appropriate name. The soapbox slogan is "From the River, to the Sea, Palestine will be free. This is your friendly reminder that the river being referenced is the Jordan River, which is on the Eastern side of Israeli territory. The slogan, if enacted, means a literal genocide of the state of Israel.
The theme here is that all eyes are on Israel while we ignore the rest of the low-intensity global conflicts occurring on a day-to-day basis because individuals have been spun up to believe that Hamas are the "good guys" and that the Israelis are evil. The reality is that if a singular troop of IDF soldiers goes off the reservation and commits an unjust shoot that doesn't fall in line with the Israeli Rules of Engagement, the IDF will personally hang that group of soldiers out to dry. On the flip side, Hamas fighters and a majority of the Palestinian people will parade dead girls through the streets while they celebrate and chant for death to Israel and the United States.