AusGeoff wrote on Mar 7
th, 2024 at 8:41am:
buzzanddidj wrote on Mar 5
th, 2024 at 3:10pm:
White men have more 'rights' than any other being on earth, with the only exception being divorce settlements and dealings with the Family Court....
I'd have to disagree with this claim.
In any first world country, white woman have more rights than their
male peers.
Prostate cancer is the most common cancer in Australia; in 2022
24,000 Australians were diagnosed with prostate cancer. In the same
year, 20,000 women were diagnosed with breast cancer.
In the US, The Congressionally Mandated Medical Research Programs
$150 million for breast cancer and
$110 million for prostate cancer
in 2021. This despite prostate cancer killing more men than breast cancer
kills women.
Note the disparity in favour of women.
Men are the roots and pillars of heaven - if all men die out, heaven will fall, crushing all beneath it... men designed and built EVERY construct, physical and social, within which modern civilised society flourishes - or at the very least staggers along under it current loads of ne'er-do-anything but complains -
There are countless disparities in favour of women .....even going back to the industrial days they were a protected species living at home while men sucked in the particle laden miasma and died early as a result.... now the 'better class educated' women imagine that 'equality' or 'equity' means getting all the same jobs - but they only want the very best ones.... and as many of those as they can get their Fascist hands on.... and preferably the ones with 'power' in and over society in one way or another - whether it be political, social, economic or outright centralised despotism (their favoured approach to civilisation).
The mistake men made was in assuming that self-sacrifice and loyalty would bring a fair reward..... but they forgot two things - the old maxim that you must know your enemy more than in the bliblical sense ..... and there are Monsters From the Id nowhere more apparent than inside any angry and entitled™ woman - and is there anything more than a tiny minority of those who are not?
I look at the mostly women old girl's art group - perhaps one or two are not of the massively entitled™ kind.... few are worthy of more than a passing glance... be a woman! Stop whining and act like a woman... capisce?
Now half the boys want to be women... Jesus....