Well the Democrats aren't really democrats.
They're just a bunch of actors pretending to be politicians but are really just Media stooges.
I would accept an America that follows the British Politics of today, rather than the 'Italian' (Media) one - especially of the old Roman/Athenian style.
Which it took up after kicking Britain out.
Of course, when it comes to making movies about other nation's histories - they often seriously make mistakes, lies and fabrications to suit their own American Media perceptions.
How would you feel if they made a 'fabricated' portrayal of Australia and/or its history along with blatant 'mistakes' I'm sure?
Now in the Foundations Topic - we have a Jewish woman of Israel complaining how Israel 'docs' the maps and books of depicting Palestine and yet now this American feels free to 'change' the perception at the time.
If this stuff is accepted, the History of the world will be vastly different to what it actually was. Lies, lies and more lies - just for 'political correctness' and 'because they can', rather than should.