freediver wrote on Mar 17
th, 2024 at 6:16pm:
I'm not the one saying we should go down the nuclear path. You are. And yet you cannot answer some of the most fundamental questions.
And yet your opposition doesn't extend to what you query.
BTW - The level of PU298 uses a linear no threshold base for atomic workers, and the risk of infection in uncut or diseased skin is reckoned low.
"In air, alphas travel only 3 to 5 cen-
timeters and in living tissue only about
30 micrometers (which is equal to 3 to
5 cell diameters) before they expend
their energy and come to rest. The lat-
ter distance is less than the thinnest part
of the epidermis (the dead layer of
external skin cells). It is also less than
the thickness of a standard piece of
paper (about 100 micrometers). Fortu-
nately, therefore, the penetration power
of alpha particles is limited. A mere
sheet of paper or the outer layers of our
skin will block their passage—see
Figure 1(b). " wrote on Mar 17
th, 2024 at 6:16pm:
How long would we have to store the waste for, and how much would that cost?
You are the one who says it is expensive. You tell us.