Jasin wrote on Mar 11
th, 2024 at 10:36pm:
They look like Happy Campers to me.
I know they make Whiteys on Survivor look like absolute losers.
Ahh - that's the life. Easy-going, laid-back. Don't need to pay off a home loan for all one's life just to get a root. Don't like the neighbours - just pack up easy and move on.
We all know the indigenous Britons lived like that - but with more animal furs, when the Romans first met them. Then the Anglos, Saxons and Jutes called them primitives to move them on. Primitive indigenous Britons living like Ainu in Nihon.
Well, they've adapted quickly to the modern life. They now run roughshot over whiteys and steal a lot from Whities now. Their population is growing faster than Whities and they win Olympic Gold Medals, cash in on Politics and more.
Not so primitive now, are they.
Comparative poverty/prosperity, innit? Which is richer - he who can move on if he doesn't like the neighbours or his root, doesn't work and still gets everything, just picks up another house, boat and car from Whartey - or the social indoctrinated brain-washed wage slave who does everything right to end up with nothing after a lifetime of sh
t-kicking and being kicked around like sh
t while grifters and whingers and such get the fattest in the land for no toil?????