goosecat wrote on Mar 16
th, 2024 at 7:54pm:
In a realist world of two choices: Biden or Trump. Knowing the USA and the world needs the USA to rebalance itself. Trump it is.
correct ,
but the problem this time is , perhaps , represented by this photo
the left went so far as to make lying, (not just a funny entertaining trump doing some off the cuff bullshitting)
the left made lying part of the fabric of the family, raising kids, teenage relationships.
on the subjects of gender and the border, this wasnt just trump getting some laughs, this was the leftie elite being crazy and insane
people dont mind the guy at the party who tells big stories (that loveable rat bag donald)
but they cant relate the to muttering angry unhinged lunatic sprouting crazy crap which is what the leftie intellectual has become (not so much biden who just looks frail and confused , but those "running "him)
most people at a BBQ would chat to trump. i can pitcure him telling whoopers and the crowd lapping it up
No one would chat to gweg or matty fisk
they do not entertain, they are obseesed and mentally ill, they are deranged.
who would chat to someone who talked for 8 years about child rape.
you wouldnt go near him, much less let your family near him .
so most people look at a picture like this and they just fly straight into trumps arms
the border and trans have sunk the democratic party