philperth2010 wrote on Mar 26
th, 2024 at 4:06pm:
aquascoot wrote on Mar 26
th, 2024 at 3:41pm:
Jasin wrote on Mar 26
th, 2024 at 3:10pm:
Joe Biden will be upset when he has to scrounge around for his Election money while everyone freely donates to Trump's pocket just to watch Biden/Democraps snarl.
Saudi Arabia are interested in paying off Trump's rigged up debt and then pumping a billion into his Election campaign.
They can do this with just a wave of their hand.
yeah the dems are very stupidthey just walked up to the worlds biggest bully and spat in his face.
trump can do deals with the saudis or the russians or proerty developers or the military industrial complex
that will get him all the cash he needs.and now that the gloves are off,
if he gets in, its going to be a lot of show trials for the woke about getting out over their skis
the corrupt dems should never have weaponised the judicial system when that same system can be used by the next bloke to demolish them
they better start clearing out some jails (releasing the proud boys may help) and getting soy lates on the menu for the influx of woke lefties
i dont like the vengeful side of donny and wish he would be the bigger man and just pardon the corrupt democrats but i think they are in for one hell of a hiding
Isn't that what the Republicans are accusing Joe Biden of doing....Taking bribes from foreign Governments to do their bidding....You are claiming Donald Trump will corrupt the justice system and take bribes from corrupt foreign Governments....I agree with you!!!
as the soviet leader krushev said
"show me the man and i'll find you the crime"
trumpy paid off stormy
made a book keeping error on a loan application (which he paid off)
touched up a chick 40 years ago (maybe )
you could find similar crimes for every politician and lawmaker and civil servant in america
and if you bring them before republican judges
you could jail your opponents at will
oh , we know you and fisk and pecca are as clear as the driven snow ( so you say) but i bet if we went over, even your life with a fine tooth comb , we'd find something
its a very very dangerous game the dems have started and the blowback will be huge if donny wins
i think its why the media are going a bit softer on him
they are getting a bit panicked