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Lehrmann Case Revs Up Women Into Violence. (Read 5684 times)
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Lehrmann Case Revs Up Women Into Violence.
Apr 5th, 2024 at 2:14pm
     Bruce Lehrmann’s new court case begins another session of reminders of his accusations of rape, many bored inner brain decision making women are no doubt enraged by.
     Many women having male partners, use they’re enraged emotions to begin arguments (which may have little to do with Bruce Lehrmann’s court case stories) with male partners, women and men using fight or flight inner brain (no rational restraints) causing a sense of justified dominate power.

     Having recently watched SBS shown Fargo season 1 episode 1, a wife is seen more than once arguing with her husband actor over his poor career choice poor earnings ability, wife using his brother’s better earnings better life style, her so much bullying behaviour, the husband actor gabs a hammer and murders his wife bashing her head in.

     The world population being around 8 billion, I’m sure many poor third world deemed over populated countries: Africa; Middle East; Asia... governments would want to get rid of many of they’re population’s poorer people, wanting people to migrate to first world countries: Europe; USA; Canada; Australia.

     For first world countries to make room for migrants from poor third world countries to enter first world countries above list, first world countries use propaganda tactics to stall, even reduce local populations birth rate.

     Reducing population growth tactics include many years of stressful brain punishing school education encouraging university controlled learning making up for some lost/repressed intelligence during high school years, which university and college learning soon began after compulsory draft ended drafting post WW2 baby boom generation youth into the Vietnam war, many military personnel don’t get married until after returning from military service in Vietnam, delaying first born child.
     Vietnam war responsible for many youth becoming addicted to opioids.

     Future generations becoming drug and alcohol addicted after stressful schooling ended (I argue school learning traumas need for medication) would consume youth into reduced need to marry to begin families.
     Delaying men and women’s need to start having families, reducing the years women can have children creates fewer children being born over people’s lifetime, tactics third world countries have little incentives to practice other than their own increased poverty.

     Getting young adults into long term debt using saving for a deposit low interest rate property purchasing, then raising interest rates, increasing cost of living, must have an effect on young adults family planing having children and the number of children born.

     Poor partner selection, prime time media programming induced human behaviour programming with a sense of dissatisfaction with opposite sexes, further delays child births.

     Hearing statements that women should seek a career in the building industry has me laughing at dumb suggestions. Most women are not built for heavy lifting needed to carry out building industry labours. Having heard such statements, I twice witnessed a young women wiring components on what seems to be a building site. Reality has electricians on building sites holding heavy drills drilling holes in wood studs etc. pulling cables through holes and conduits. Physical efforts would be more than most women would be able to cope and 8 hours of such work would also be unmanageable.
     Most women particularly women with poor schooling grades, I can easily assume would need to find a marriageable man, get married, have at least one child to lock her husband into long term financial responsibility, in order to avoid having to work in some boring tiresome low paying job, supporting herself. Many women may find such statements offensive.

     The Lehrmann rape case I recon having happened in the Canberra Federal Parliament House gives some reason the case must be repeatedly reported in news media as though the case has some sense of importance above all other similar news stories. I recon the story is contrived full of fabrications, fake news, propaganda, shock jocks use as distraction from more important news relevant to citizenry.
     Because the story came out of Federal Parliament House, politicians involved, one more democracy in action transparency story, display of ‘can’t keep secrets from citizenry, democracy open media transparency society’. NASA must have landed Apollo astronauts on the moon, can’t keep large numbers of people involved in 50 years ago moon landings never happened, secrets from people.

     Because there are young people whom believe “no man has walked on the moon”, media are reporting new news ( I say Are faked ) stories of countries landing spacecraft on the moon, planing to land men on the moon’s surface, in order to create beliefs amongst youthful doubters ‘men have previously walked on the moon’.

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Re: Lehrmann Case Revs Up Women Into Violence.
Reply #1 - Apr 5th, 2024 at 3:23pm
Moon-men on drugs avoided child-birth trauma in schools for parliament to brain-rape migrants less interest rates.
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Grappler Truth Teller Feller
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Re: Lehrmann Case Revs Up Women Into Violence.
Reply #2 - Apr 5th, 2024 at 5:52pm
I can nev er forget that SBS program on 'domestic violence' - during which some poor bloke who did not come from an abusive background and was essentially non-violent - had a wife who did come from such a background, and she picked fights all the time (learned behaviour and expectation of the same violent response) until the husband responded in some way - at which point he got all the blame.

You see one hell of a lot of that - any man who has lived with a woman who 'feels' oppressed etc or who has had a harsh background, can tell you she causes all or most of the problems - and he wears it over and over.  Even cops these days are on to that one - pretty much - though some retain the same old prejudices and utter willingness to bash an undefending man to make themselves feel superior somehow.  In NSW the police force steadily weeded those out, but some still manage to sneak through, often imagining that a job in the country is somehow more than a phone call away from HQ.

Glen Innes was cleared out of a nest of such rogue cops, starting with the sergeant who ran the place - who was replaced by an educated and fair-minded commissioned Superintendent.

Anyway - my advice to all young men is to avoid such women - you will NEVER alter or 'heal' their damaged psyches, not matter how meaningful and decent you are.... and they will bring you down. 

That is one clear reason why so many young men simply avoid entanglements these days.... at the first sign of imbalance they are off like a shot from a gun... and good on them.  Imagine wasting your life's work on such beings - as I did......

The oddest thing about such women can be - not always - is that they (and many embattled men) actually take on the characteristics of their own 'oppressor' - even to timbre of voice.... it's like they are possessed by the spirit of the often now-deceased 'oppressor' parent or whatever - the Eld Gel here - the ex for whom I am carer now - when entering her self-created combats with me - actually lowers the timbre of her voice about two octaves!!!

She is unconsciously imitating HER 'oppressor' - her father the violent and abusive town drunk.  I, coming from a hugely abusive background myself - have seen my own brother take on the same characteristics - even using the same phrases with his kids and others - that our hugely abusive drunk 'father' used, PLUS certain behaviours and manners of speech from our own equally insane 'mother'.  His kids are all damaged in some ways... they have told me some of it and how they loved the short times they spent with me and my kid's mother at my farm.... but they reach a point where they just shut off.... can't take any more..... my kids and grand-kids, by contrast, are pretty balanced, smart and getting on well in the world without all that trouble.

It breaks my heart to see this with children - and when I view such things as Alice Springs and what I can clearly see is behind all that - it can move me to tears, so I avoid news of it unless researching to wake youse dopes up a little.

This is walking a tight rope every day of your life for any sane person.... watching yourself for any sign of falling into that abyss... becoming the monster you chose years ago to avoid ever being.  Even harder when you need to watch your 'partner' at the same time for the same things.  No wonder I often go to bed at night locked up rock hard in tension.

I'd far rather be with Clancy out there on the Overflow.... or somewhere deep in the country on my own..... or just once, in this old lifetime, with a decent woman with whom - as Billy Joel said - I can just talk and be comfortable.... not all passion is spent when you age... but you appreciate the better things more.

Adios -
**puts roadside rock aside, checks fire, and turns in for the night - fireside chat finished for now**

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Grappler Truth Teller Feller
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Re: Lehrmann Case Revs Up Women Into Violence.
Reply #3 - Apr 5th, 2024 at 6:08pm
Anyway - after this left fielder from a disgruntled ex employee who sank himself and Seven - it sounds like they've decided to settle.

Imagine being caught out destroying documents - a company credit card used to set up a visit from the house maids..... vague allegations of wandering into a random restaurant and buying a bag of coke to split with a credit card (man - how common is that in Cambra and goes totally unnoticed?  WTF?)) ....that's what happens when you get rid of a good employee and leave him/her with anger and bitterness over the treatment received in return for loyalty.... the universe hath its ways.

Shall we run a sweep about how much Bruce will cop for this one?

This would have to be the seediest case to ever come out of our 'national capital' (make that notional capital) and its inner workings.... and maybe Bruce did the deed - but we STILL have no way of knowing for sure one way or the other.

If you accept the US politics style character assassination directed at him, he is of low moral virtue - buying coke and paying for sheilas etc .... IF you accept those stories unconditionally... and who could when the actual 'witnesses' did not SEE anything?

I almost said last night this was like the BRS saga - so many Tercius style non-witnesses - NOBODY actually saw the deed done..... but my god how the sh
t flies off the fan blades.  WADR to serving members ... and their suffering morale over 2 Sqn being LOBOed .... it comes down to hard and verifiable fact...  I do understand how you feel..... having suffered the same myself in a different manner, and after many years have decided that a 'mate' must be kicked under the bus for his misdeeds.
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“Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passion, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence.”
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Grappler Truth Teller Feller
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Re: Lehrmann Case Revs Up Women Into Violence.
Reply #4 - Apr 6th, 2024 at 8:00am
Gets murkier by the moment... where's Aussie?

"A former judge has been referred to the ACT Integrity Commission following allegations about his conduct during an inquiry into the criminal prosecution of Bruce Lehrmann.

The territory commission confirmed on Friday it was considering allegations of misconduct against ex-Queensland jurist Walter Sofronoff.

The allegations relate to his dealings with journalists during a 2023 Board of Inquiry and his decision to release the final report to a journalist before it was handed to the ACT chief minister. "
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“Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passion, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence.”
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Grappler Truth Teller Feller
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Re: Lehrmann Case Revs Up Women Into Violence.
Reply #5 - Apr 6th, 2024 at 9:32am
This'll be good... Brucey accused of making deals for stories... Brittany well on the way long ago....

This one gets better by the day... We Want Revelations for the movie project!!

Working titles..... ummm...... "Internals" .... internal something.... sort of rings of pussy, you know.... titillates the masses .... stirs their sweetener/sugar in their peccadilloes... "Ins and Outs - A Canberra Odyssey..."

You now - the Aborassic Park concept might be becoming a serious movie project..... a genuine 'what-if' alternate future....

Joel Coen said:- "It's all about the hat!"  Just take a good look at some of those Hollywood hats.... Al Pacino's pork pie in Godfadda, Tommy's black in Miller's Crossing, same wit' de Dane's, Val Kilmer's in Tombstone compared to Kurt Russell,  Kilmer's in Ghost and The Darkness and his impeccable British officer tailored suits, Kevin Costner and Robert Duvall contrast in Open Range....

They WORK on them hats in H'wood.... part of the character building.... why, Johnny Ringo - you look like someone just walked over your hat....
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« Last Edit: Apr 6th, 2024 at 9:43am by Grappler Truth Teller Feller »  

“Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passion, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence.”
― John Adams
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Grappler Truth Teller Feller
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Re: Lehrmann Case Revs Up Women Into Violence.
Reply #6 - Apr 6th, 2024 at 2:15pm
'Ere,'ere- don't let Brucey Story die!  It's vastly important for bringing the New Media to heel and forcing on them proper values and standards.... Chanel #7 is biting the dust..... again - years after Today Tonight, a notorious pack of liars and charlatans, bit the dust.... I love it...... enjoying watching all those who had at me personally years ago biting the dust one after another...... sit by the flowing waters long enough ....

One at a time..... one at a time ......................
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“Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passion, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence.”
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Sage of Gippsland

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Re: Lehrmann Case Revs Up Women Into Violence.
Reply #7 - Apr 6th, 2024 at 4:35pm

Female domestic violence committed against men seldom gets
reported in the media, and is even less reported to police and/or
acted upon.


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Grappler Truth Teller Feller
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Re: Lehrmann Case Revs Up Women Into Violence.
Reply #8 - Apr 6th, 2024 at 11:52pm
AusGeoff wrote on Apr 6th, 2024 at 4:35pm:
Female domestic violence committed against men seldom gets
reported in the media, and is even less reported to police and/or
acted upon.


Doesn't gel with the figures developed that women INITIATE 62% of relationship violence, and cop 62% of the injuries as a result... that means those figures are more likely reversed.

I can assure you the Eld Gel hits and attacks me far more often than I do her... I content myself with stirring her when she gets off her trolley.... she comes from a dysfunctional all girl family which thinks heaven is doing what her sister once did - slug the old man sitting at the table with a frying pan because she was having one of HER paranoid tiffs.... the three remaining sisters (the oldest died young) are all the same basically and cannot run a relationship. Same happened with the kids' mother's family - all six girls and NONE of them stayed married.... disaster piled on disaster for everyone around them.

Make sure you choose very carefully after thorough testing..... and at the first sign of instability or insanity - go like the wind.  Young men are learning that.... young women are depressed and lonely.... young men have seen the results of 'feminism' and women trying to run the show..... they vote with their feet....

How do you handle hormone treatment?  If she complains too much I just get another one..... as we grow older we men have the advantage - there are fewer of us.... and many are turning to 25 yo Asian ladies for good, civilised, quiet company with good food...

Readez-vous this nonsense:-

Now there's a 'gender pain gap' - and all these years we've been told men are wooses with 'man flu' etc.....   Grin  Grin  Grin  Grin  Grin
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“Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passion, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence.”
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Grappler Truth Teller Feller
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Re: Lehrmann Case Revs Up Women Into Violence.
Reply #9 - Apr 7th, 2024 at 12:27am
Dang!  The Oestrogen Gap!!!!!

Women are more addicted to smoking their lungs out.... they suffer more pain as a result of depression etc.......... more women die of heart attacks..... so what's killing the Great Men of the West?  Boredom?  Nagging?   Too good a life? Shagged to death by young sheilas?
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“Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passion, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence.”
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Grappler Truth Teller Feller
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Re: Lehrmann Case Revs Up Women Into Violence.
Reply #10 - Apr 7th, 2024 at 11:03am
Well - not a single soul came out of this Higginsgate smelling of roses..... every last one of them is seedy to the max.

I'm interested in hearing 'the real Brittany' and not the over-emotional 'I felt suicidal' chick primed by her media handlers to lunge for the old and worn-out sympathy game instead of standing tall..... Bruce tried to stand tall but it's not in his build/body structure etc....

I recall Julia Gillard saying she was going to show her true self and not the media driven one - then went mad on 'feminism' and 'misogyny' as if those really meant something... that wasn't the REAL Gillard by a long shot ....  playing the victim is passe` these days... people are sick of victims begging on every media corner for a free ride and another handout... weeping about suicidal ideation and such.... one more unsuccessful attempt and they get a free set of steak knives!!

What about Scotty looking like a Black Bear in the woods and coming on like a stuffed teddy bear and apologising to St Brittany before the case - or that dopey equalities YAS ma'am arm in arm with the complainant before the trial.... talk about sabotaging the law and the entire case... no wonder they fitted up a jury malfeasance thing to just get rid of it.... no case anyway... but now they can still slag off at Bruce... his rep is shot to ribbons for life....

The only good thing to come out of this utter disaster from start to finish, including PH security ... is that a spotlight has been thrown over the whole madness down there.... now they need me to really sort them out and lay down the rules.... higher standards, please.... or get out....
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“Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passion, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence.”
― John Adams
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Grappler Truth Teller Feller
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Re: Lehrmann Case Revs Up Women Into Violence.
Reply #11 - Apr 8th, 2024 at 3:38pm
I'll re-phrase that last - I hold no brief for Linda Reynolds whatsoever.... HOWEVER ... of all those with any involvement in this sordid set of issues she is the only one to have consistently sought that matters only be dealt with on the basis of provable fact - and not on rhetoric, emotion, suggestion, innuendo, character assassination and so forth.

You say - you prove.... simple.

Now then - to continue - lookee here... 'presumption of innocence' rebirthed....

What say ye, you German engines... Wankels?
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“Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passion, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence.”
― John Adams
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Grappler Truth Teller Feller
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Re: Lehrmann Case Revs Up Women Into Violence.
Reply #12 - Apr 8th, 2024 at 5:19pm

"Bruce Lehrmann has landed a speaking slot at a $100-a-ticket ‘restoring the presumption of innocence’ conference, hosted by author and columnist Bettina Arndt.

“For decades our justice system has been tilted to favour ‘victims’, with the result that men and women are treated very differently – by police, the Family Court, judges and juries in the criminal law system,” Ms Arndt says on the event’s website.

“The presumption of innocence has been tossed aside – totally discarded by our biased media and undermined by regular legislative tampering with basic principles of justice,” Ms Arndt writes.

Ticket-holding attendees will listen to a speakers line up of expert lawyers and statisticians, the latter who will “expose how data on rape cases is misrepresented to downplay false allegations”, Ms Arndt says.

Mr Lehrmann will join the panel at the Sydney event in June, speaking to an audience set to pay between $100 to $120 for a ticket, with sandwiches and morning tea included.

Speaking about the abandoned trial against him for the alleged rape of Brittany Higgins in Parliament House, Mr Lehrmann told The Daily Telegraph in August: “Given what the prosecution has done to me, I may never work again”.

Mr Lehrmann has always denied the allegation, and there have been no findings made against him. The charge was dropped after the trial was aborted due to juror misconduct.

“I’ve got lawyers that need to be paid, people who have supported me, like my mum and uncle, who need to be supported” he said at the time.

However, Ms Arndt says Mr Lehrmann will not be paid for the speaking role.

“As is customary at this type of professional gathering, NO ONE WILL BE PAID!,” she told NCA NewsWire.

“We are fundraising for the event to ensure people such as law students will be able to afford the ticket price.”

Mr Lehrmann was asked to speak “as a victim of trial by media”, Ms Arndt said, “since he is the best-known example of how the media has signed up to the #MeToo narrative, rather than doing their proper job”.

Mr Lehrmann is currently in the midst of another blockbuster trial; he has sued Network 10 and Lisa Wilkinson for defamation regarding The Project’s reporting of Ms Higgins’ sexual assault allegation, with judgment expected to be delivered in the coming weeks. "
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“Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passion, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence.”
― John Adams
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Grappler Truth Teller Feller
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Re: Lehrmann Case Revs Up Women Into Violence.
Reply #13 - Apr 10th, 2024 at 11:43am
Brittany drugged On The Night!!!

Oh - not quite....... sorry .. got carried away with the media there....

"Brittany Higgins has told the federal court the suggestion by an AFP officer that she might have been drugged on the night she was allegedly raped should have been raised in the defamation trial.

Higgins filed a seven-page submission to the court on Tuesday after being invited by Justice Michael Lee last week to make final submissions concerning her credit before the judgment in Bruce Lehrmann’s defamation case against Network Ten and Lisa Wilkinson is handed down on Monday."

Suggestions.... there were hints and innuendoes..... by George this gets better by the day ... JUICY!!
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“Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passion, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence.”
― John Adams
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Grappler Truth Teller Feller
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Re: Lehrmann Case Revs Up Women Into Violence.
Reply #14 - Apr 10th, 2024 at 5:25pm
Better and better - sounds like a Parthian Poof shot to me... or is that a parting poof shot?  His silence is deafening - I thought he said loud and clear he didn't have any Thai Rub or coke (man)... and why bother argue with utter and unproven nonsense anyway?

Why, you ask?  Because you cannot rely on the truth simply coming out and clear and utter nonsense allegations being set aside without even much thought (yeah - yer 'onnah - he tried to run the car over us! ... ummm - what car was that? He was walking down the street when you accosted him... DUH - sounds like a cop's fairy tale) .. you have to force truth to speak.. a shy person or an autistic one (many times) is at a disadvantage... someone bashed into silence as a kid is at a disadvantage, may mumble or not speak up* ... that's why I support Bettina Arndt in pushing for a restoration of 'innocent until proven guilty beyond any reasonable doubt' as the hard core of law....

* how many such ya reckon went to the gallows for that?
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« Last Edit: Apr 10th, 2024 at 5:31pm by Grappler Truth Teller Feller »  

“Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passion, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence.”
― John Adams
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