Sir Eoin O Fada wrote on Apr 11
th, 2024 at 11:16pm:
Sprintcyclist wrote on Apr 11
th, 2024 at 9:35pm:
Grappler Truth Teller Feller wrote on Apr 11
th, 2024 at 8:55pm:
Never bring an axe to a knife fight.....
Apparently a short baseball bat/club is very good.
Use small sharp cracks in a karate style, not the big 'chopping a tree down' style action.
Aim for many small hits while controlling your balance, distance and focus.
Possession of a shortened baseball bat or a club is illegal as they are classed as weapons.
Oven cleaner in the kitchen is legal, in the bedroom it is illegal.
However a pressure fire extinguisher is legal in any room of the house, the shed, the car, even on a motor bike.
It is not intended for self defence in those locations.
Men’s pressurised body sprays as well as insect repellants may be carried at all times as they are not weapons whereas pepper sprays are.
The good old walking stick or the brolly may also be carried .
With all things the important criteria is that they be not carried for self defence.
Your Governments abhor the concept of self defence.
But the Prime Minister and other Politicians have guards armed with pistols and better.
What about a kids baseball bat that one of my kids left there years ago?
Hold hands out in front loosely with a 150 mm gap between them.
Step forward in a small rapid step, pull with the lower hand, push with the upper hand. Aim for his hand.
Reverse the hand movement to bring the bat back. Think entirely of speed, getting in and out.
When you connect, do not think or hesitate, repeat what you did. Same small snappy action.
I did karate a long time ago
You’re the one who’d prove the bat was left there and be asked why you kept it.
A good answer would be “. . . for sentimental reasons.
I prefer the walking stick as I did fencing years ago [mainly because of the girls who were also learning]
The brolly is not to be spurned either, the multiple steel ribs will stop a machete cut
and the foot, if it has one, will lethally penetrate the body.
Folded of course.