Hamas escapes almost all accountability for a war it started in a malicious act of depravity
It beggars belief that even the terrorists of Hamas and other organisations of similar bent, could engage in the murder and abuse of innocents as we now know for certain occurred on October 7.
Take for example the people attending the rock concert, dedicated to peace.
Murder, rape and kidnapping were the consequences of Hamas crossing the border.
The current war would not be occurring but for Hamas, almost certainly at the behest of its Iranian mentors, committing such widespread atrocities, in the certain knowledge that the Israeli response would be massive.
And why did Iran choose to push Hamas last October?
At this time, US diplomacy appeared to be succeeding in encouraging Saudi Arabia and other Arab states to recognise Israel.
This would be catastrophic for Iranian ambitions in the region.
So, let us be clear.
The Iranians in particular bear enormous responsibility as an openly terrorist regime for all that has happened in the Gaza strip.
They are a regime dedicated to creating maximum turmoil in the region.
This is part of the regime's survival strategy in Teheran.
If anyone should doubt Iranian involvement, then a glance at the presence of Iranian Revolutionary Guards in Syria in liaison with the Hezbollah terrorist grouping will remove any doubts.
US Secretary of State, Antony Blinken, put this clearly on April 9 last: “It remains astounding to me that the world is almost deafeningly silent when it comes to Hamas”. The terrorists are never taken before international courts, nor is its leadership ever brought to book and held responsible.