mothra wrote on Apr 12
th, 2024 at 10:17am:
What did you learn, fruitbat?
Nothing new. Macgregor explains larger strategic chessboards.
As Steyn said in an interview with him 4 years ago, "America is a tourist in the heart of darkness".
I don't believe that Israel is aiming to eradicate the population of Gaza. That is far fetched. On Ukraine - don't know. It's like the Balkans - always trouble. The Serbs caused WWI and then within a century they almost started another European war and the Americans had to sort them out.
America doesn't understand the world and its place in it. It is not there to export democracy and build nations. That was a very stupid doctrine after the fall of the Soviet Union. Every attempt of it failed everywhere it was tried.
Opening the borders of America and the West to the world is also a very stupid move. The supreme stupidity of multicultralism and open borders is that it allows ignorance to be evelated to a virtue: you dont need to know anything about the rest of the world, about other cultures, just declare them essentially the same as your own. That is stupid on a global strategic level and on a national 'multicultural'level.
The lesson, remaining unlearned:
The West is becoming a tourist in the heart of darkness
it has been importing into its own jurisdictions and continues to import without let up.