ARGUMENT;If this incident
was committed by a follower of ISLAM......
This is the type of atrocity [against infidels], which the ISLAMIC Jihad doctrine would fully encourage,
a follower of ISLAM to engage in.
If this incident
was committed by a follower of ISLAM......
This atrocious incident
was 'all too predictable'.
these three 2011, on OzPol......Yadda said..... Quote:
I come back to my argument about the wisdom, of assuming, in this PC world, that it is ok for 'sheep' and 'wolves' to share the same 'meadow'.
The opinion of many, is that it is OK.
I disagree.
I say that 'sheep' and 'wolves' need to be separated.
and this.......
Yadda said..... Quote:freediver wrote on Apr 25
th, 2011 at 9:16am:
I reject all of these evil things. But I am not a hypocrit. I do not substitute other people's evil for my own. I do not use the actions of people centuries ago to justify the denial of fundamental human rights. I do not even use the actions of modern muslims to justify the denial of freedom of religion. I do not try to ban political parties merely because I can associate their ideology with some historical evil.
Yadda paraphrases FD....
"I do not make assumptions about the actions of wolves, to justify the denial of the fundamental right of wolves to mingle with other creatures in the meadow. I would never seek to separate wolves from sheep, just because the suggestion has been made, that wolves might prey upon, and eat the sheep. Wolves should have the same rights as sheep do, to enjoy the meadow." and this.......
Yadda said.... Quote:Emma wrote on Apr 24
th, 2011 at 1:45am:
TOLERANCE is the only viable path.
I have not the slightest doubt, you will not agree, you will not concede my argument, but what you are calling for, is
And, look around you.
Look at the nightly TV news.....the world of man today, is full of lawlessness [i.e.
'tolerance', ....of evil].
And on your own head be it.
ABC social engineering....
Yadda said..... Quote:MY ARGUMENT;
1/ Every moslem is a follower of ISLAM.
2/ And ISLAM is a philosophy which mandates that its followers must fight and kill people, who reject ISLAM, and reject the primacy of ISLAMIC law.
And, a new attack is going to occur whenever any individual moslem [living among us, in Australia] decides that 'now' is a good moment for him to prove his devotion to ISLAM and to Allah.
Yadda said.... Quote:"every moslem in Australia is a latent, wanna-be homicidal maniac"
- Yadda
QUESTION;What about the innocent moslems ?
IMO, [logically] there are no innocent moslems [among persons who have come to the age of consent], and yet still declare themselves to be moslems.
How so [logically] ?
QUESTION;How credible is it that a person who is devout enough to
insist that he is a
moslem, is unaware of what ISLAM promotes, and is unaware of what
the principle tenets of ISLAM are ?
QUESTION;How 'innocent' is a person who agrees to give aid and comfort [and to give their own 'power'],
a philosophy which transforms human beings, into homicidal maniacs ?
QUESTION;How 'innocent' is a person who agrees to give aid and comfort [and to give their own 'power'], a philosophy which claims that murdering, in the cause of religious bigotry, is a religious virtue ?