I know and frequently talk to a retied primary school principle who is aware of his brain chemical stimuli self-gratifying behaviours, believing feeling brain chemical stimuli are fantastic, same with Mr X. Years ago I stated to retired principle that I don’t have any bad feelings in my head, his response was to get angry accusing me of lying. I stated same ‘no bad feelings’ to Mr X receiving the same angry response, accused of lying.
The bad feeling inside peoples’ heads often referred to as depression persuades people to use inner brain fight or flight plus ADHD behaviours to manage awareness of feeling depression.
When I first spoke to my new next door neighbour, I stated “I’m the sort of person who talks about how no man has walked on the moon” the man quickly walked away, I assume his narcissism behaviours couldn’t handle hearing such conversations, thereafter he frequently tried telling me lies, I assume attempting to believe he was clever at getting away with telling lies, that I was dumb not to dispute his lies, similar story with my neighbour on the other side.
Telling my retired school principle: Adolf Hitler was no more than an escape goat (Jewish god being a goat) Hitler taking the blame for WW2, while military generals could be blameless (only following orders) from war crimes after the war ended; Rocket exhaust spacecraft only have enough fuel to create high speed to deploy satellites in earth’s orbit, largest rockets deploying satellites at maximum orbit of 22,000 miles above earth’s surface which can only be done by discarding booster rockets to reduce weight, the moon being 240,000 miles from earth is too far away from earth before spacecraft get drawn back to earth by earth’s gravity; James Webb orbiting earth telescope is a mere fictional technology news story, when exposed as impossible most listeners judge me wrong to increase narcissists delusional intelligence.
No rocket spacecraft have left earth’s gravity to venture out into space. Any mention of the sun’s and earth’s gravity strength to prevent spacecraft travel is ignored. Rational argument evidence is rejected in favour of a life time of childhood learnt inner brain fight or flight narcissism behaviour, on successfully reducing/avoiding insecurity anxiety, brain chemical stimuli meaning intelligent response judgements are truthful.
School Students are educated to remember non-rational useless for frontal lobe executive brain thinking data, use remembered data to complete school examinations, results of examinations narcissist students use to justify believing students are experiencing intelligent thought.
Like television quiz show programs, The Chase being a good example, each question has no usable thinking ideas as well as question subjects don’t relate to following questions, denying human brains from realising neuron connections between relevant ideas.
Human brains are capable of associating ideas into new ideas creativity, school education curriculum limits knowledge to no need to think creatively other than simple ideas.
Metal stress traumas encourage limited thinking processing using repeated classroom tasks, mental stress felt by inner brain functions quoting amygdala, long term remembered stress traumas felt during later years, processing thought to carry out new unknown tasks increases fear anxiety awareness, fight or flight made aware by fear, brings into play avoidance tactics, successful results gets rewarded by brain chemical rewards.
Media information of one women in Australia is murdered every four days, no mention of increased RBA interest rates on family budgets and business interests need to raise prices or close down firing employees, no mention of RBA on family expenses to reduces Bonza airline business profits sending Bonza into bankruptcy administration, brain neuron connections between high interest rates and family violence are one example of reducing human thought neuron connections of ideas to realise what’s to blame for problem issues. Media’s mere repeating problem issues no more than stating something must happen without mentioning causes, listeners are sent a no information message that governments aren’t causing problem issues.
Readers of this post if readers have read all the reading not merely cut corners by reading first and last paragraphs as school education conditioned students to do, being that learning material were mostly rambling babble stories, or quickly scanning sentences for names and dates to complete examinations getting correct answers, brain chemical stimuli rewards for clever action tactics. I often notice posters short comments seen to be because short sentences indicate clever posters.
Readers having read all the post, not judging each paragraph with a negative judgement, reading to judge grammar, boosting narcissistic self-gratification... instead memories I hope are remembered as concepts against authority establishment manipulation, my collection of neuron idea connections in a single reading.