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What Makes Narcissists. (Read 783 times)
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What Makes Narcissists.
May 1st, 2024 at 1:26pm
I googled narcissist to get a definition:
“Narcissistic personality disorder is a mental health condition in which people have an unreasonably high sense of their own importance. They need and seek too much attention and want people to admire them. People with this disorder may lack the ability to understand or care about the feelings of others.”      6 Apr 2023.

     I have posted readings about a person I’ve known since 1970s, whose ex-wife labelled him ‘a big head’, she often complained her husband doesn’t talk to her. Her husband I’v previously posted as Mr X told me “he refuses to be told what to do” I suggest he has a dislike expressed to himself by anger of being told what to do by school teachers and parents whom force school homework, using this excuse to continue not having conversations with his wife. My knowing him during brief periods had more to do with myself creating most conversations, his association with me had more to do with believing he was more intelligent than myself, aided by his A grade HSC certificated education, prided himself on his grammar and spelling talents.
     Resent comment on ABC Breakfast approved by all in the conversation, stating being a good speller is a talent not to be confused with being intelligent, which most people assume being a good speller is a sign of being an intelligent thinker.
     I’d say figuring out how to spell words requires too shorter attention span and limited criteria being letters, on successfully figuring out spelling words, brain chemical rewards on using mere letters psychologically conditions human brains to spend short periods of assuming knowledge of letter sounds to build spelling word answers to be either true or false. Knowledge being specific to connecting neuron thoughts, limited to letters increases brain capacity desires for emotional stimuli rewards for short streams of data, data too short to be conclusive collection of conceptual thought(s). Sports are creating data of visually seen short and simple repeated data streams, opportunities for narcissist judgemental confidence building. When confronted with a complex argument having grey probable outcomes, narcissists need to feel inner brain intelligent to be important, complex thought confusions denies quick brain chemical rewards.

     My years of analysing people whom I met and conversed with using my theories most people would reject as being wrong. Even though my theories have detailed reasons why many media presented stories have unrealistic engineering abilities, having presented why media stated as true events can’t happen, most listeners cannot persuade themselves to acknowledge their beliefs are incorrect.
     Human inner brain hippocampus and amygdala, I googled amygdala:

“Your amygdala is a small part of your brain, but it has a big job. It's a major processing centre for emotions. It also links your emotions to many other brain abilities, especially memories, learning and your senses. When it doesn't work as it should, it can cause or contribute to disruptive feelings and symptoms.” 11 Apr 2023.

     ‘When it (amygdala) doesn't work as it should, it can cause or contribute to disruptive feelings and symptoms’ is the idea I’m attempting to argue.

     Several more symptoms I contribute to narcissistic behaviours mentioned in the above website attachment continued reading being ‘But behind this mask of extreme confidence, they are not sure of their self-worth and are easily upset by the slightest criticism.’
     People whom use brain chemical stimuli (endorphin and dopamine) to self-medicate childhood and teenager learning stress traumas ‘depression’ I often accuse mostly derived from school education mental stresses, humans whom to reduce workload increasing traumas by cutting corners and focusing attentions on simpler activities, noting visually seen sports. Playing sports allows visually seen simple judgements to increase delusions of intelligence supported by amygdala brain chemical stimuli fuelling narcissism, creating many neuron connections to cement/fix narcissistic behaviours, being part of a cheering audience, narcissists desire not to communicate any words which could be criticised by others, challenging delusions of importance being highly intelligent, superior speller.

     Young 5 years of age children attending school, being with many children increases inner brain insecurity: fear of seen by other children as dumb; fear of being bullied; etc., teachers talking too fast having few silent periods for children to process short term memories, children not hearing previously spoken information, children’s brains have to process incomplete thoughts to create memories with hopeful intentions of remembering processed assumed ideas longer than a few minutes of short term memory. Insecurity fears of being seen as incorrect neuron connections are repeatedly created and remembered, repeated memorising which last as long as behaviours tasks are demanded by teachers and parents wanting completed homework.
     Narcissism comes about as children ignore their failings fears focusing on creating alternative positively felt stimulated talents, one being judging follow students performances as poorer than their own performances to distract students own failings, receiving amygdala delusional induced brain chemical rewards self-medicating fears and insecurity.
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Grappler Deep State Feller
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Re: What Makes Narcissists.
Reply #1 - May 1st, 2024 at 1:29pm
Humph - such a condition would be beneath me............................................

(that'll take some thinking from yez) ....  Cool
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“Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passion, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence.”
― John Adams
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Re: What Makes Narcissists.
Reply #2 - May 1st, 2024 at 1:29pm
Dear Steve,
it's better to make posts short and punchy.

I couldn't be bothered reading all that.    Embarrassed
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Re: What Makes Narcissists.
Reply #3 - May 1st, 2024 at 1:30pm
     I know and frequently talk to a retied primary school principle who is aware of his brain chemical stimuli self-gratifying behaviours, believing feeling brain chemical stimuli are fantastic, same with Mr X. Years ago I stated to retired principle that I don’t have any bad feelings in my head, his response was to get angry accusing me of lying. I stated same ‘no bad feelings’ to Mr X receiving the same angry response, accused of lying.
     The bad feeling inside peoples’ heads often referred to as depression persuades people to use inner brain fight or flight plus ADHD behaviours to manage awareness of feeling depression.
     When I first spoke to my new next door neighbour, I stated “I’m the sort of person who talks about how no man has walked on the moon” the man quickly walked away, I assume his narcissism behaviours couldn’t handle hearing such conversations, thereafter he frequently tried telling me lies, I assume attempting to believe he was clever at getting away with telling lies, that I was dumb not to dispute his lies, similar story with my neighbour on the other side.

     Telling my retired school principle: Adolf Hitler was no more than an escape goat (Jewish god being a goat) Hitler taking the blame for WW2, while military generals could be blameless (only following orders) from war crimes after the war ended; Rocket exhaust spacecraft only have enough fuel to create high speed to deploy satellites in earth’s orbit, largest rockets deploying satellites at maximum orbit of 22,000 miles above earth’s surface which can only be done by discarding booster rockets to reduce weight, the moon being 240,000 miles from earth is too far away from earth before spacecraft get drawn back to earth by earth’s gravity; James Webb orbiting earth telescope is a mere fictional technology news story, when exposed as impossible most listeners judge me wrong to increase narcissists delusional intelligence.
     No rocket spacecraft have left earth’s gravity to venture out into space. Any mention of the sun’s and earth’s gravity strength to prevent spacecraft travel is ignored. Rational argument evidence is rejected in favour of a life time of childhood learnt inner brain fight or flight narcissism behaviour, on successfully reducing/avoiding insecurity anxiety, brain chemical stimuli meaning intelligent response judgements are truthful.

     School Students are educated to remember non-rational useless for frontal lobe executive brain thinking data, use remembered data to complete school examinations, results of examinations narcissist students use to justify believing students are experiencing intelligent thought.
     Like television quiz show programs, The Chase being a good example, each question has no usable thinking ideas as well as question subjects don’t relate to following questions, denying human brains from realising neuron connections between relevant ideas.
     Human brains are capable of associating ideas into new ideas creativity, school education curriculum limits knowledge to no need to think creatively other than simple ideas.

     Metal stress traumas encourage limited thinking processing using repeated classroom tasks, mental stress felt by inner brain functions quoting amygdala, long term remembered stress traumas felt during later years, processing thought to carry out new unknown tasks increases fear anxiety awareness, fight or flight made aware by fear, brings into play avoidance tactics, successful results gets rewarded by brain chemical rewards.

     Media information of one women in Australia is murdered every four days, no mention of increased RBA interest rates on family budgets and business interests need to raise prices or close down firing employees, no mention of RBA on family expenses to reduces Bonza airline business profits sending Bonza into bankruptcy administration, brain neuron connections between high interest rates and family violence are one example of reducing human thought neuron connections of ideas to realise what’s to blame for problem issues. Media’s mere repeating problem issues no more than stating something must happen without mentioning causes, listeners are sent a no information message that governments aren’t causing problem issues.

     Readers of this post if readers have read all the reading not merely cut corners by reading first and last paragraphs as school education conditioned students to do, being that learning material were mostly rambling babble stories, or quickly scanning sentences for names and dates to complete examinations getting correct answers, brain chemical stimuli rewards for clever action tactics. I often notice posters short comments seen to be because short sentences indicate clever posters.
     Readers having read all the post, not judging each paragraph with a negative judgement, reading to judge grammar, boosting narcissistic self-gratification... instead memories I hope are remembered as concepts against authority establishment manipulation, my collection of neuron idea connections in a single reading.

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Re: What Makes Narcissists.
Reply #4 - May 1st, 2024 at 1:43pm
Bobby. wrote on May 1st, 2024 at 1:29pm:
Dear Steve,
it's better to make posts short and punchy.

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Re: What Makes Narcissists.
Reply #5 - May 1st, 2024 at 2:26pm
Peccary is a narco and light's his 'ism' up with gas.
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Re: What Makes Narcissists.
Reply #6 - May 1st, 2024 at 5:20pm
steve9 wrote on May 1st, 2024 at 1:26pm:

..............      I have posted readings about a person I’ve known since 1970s, whose ex-wife labelled him ‘a big head’, she often complained her husband doesn’t talk to her. Her husband I’v previously posted as Mr X told me “he refuses to be told what to do” I suggest he has a dislike expressed to himself by anger of being told what to do by school teachers and parents whom force school homework, using this excuse to continue not having conversations with his wife. My knowing him during brief periods had more to do with myself creating most conversations, his association with me had more to do with believing he was more intelligent than myself, aided by his A grade HSC certificated education, prided himself on his grammar and spelling talents.
     Resent comment on ABC Breakfast approved by all in the conversation, stating being a good speller is a talent not to be confused with being intelligent, which most people assume being a good speller is a sign of being an intelligent thinker.
     I’d say figuring out how to spell words requires too shorter attention span and limited criteria being letters, on successfully figuring out spelling words, brain chemical rewards on using mere letters psychologically conditions human brains to spend short periods of assuming knowledge of letter sounds to build spelling word answers to be either true or false. ...........

Thanks Steve,
I find that very interesting and somewhat difficult to follow.
Are your thoughts that  are narcissists often have more short term 'reward/harm' evaluation process?

Something that immediately benefits a narcissist is 'good'. NO matter how it affects others in a longer term.
Something that challenges a narcissist is to be avoided or crushed ASAP ?

So, an artist might not be a narcissist, as creating is always a challenge and rarely give a rapid reward.

many sports nuts could be narcissist as to get a goal/try gives immense immediate reward.
Helps no-one in the long term really.
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Modern Classic Right Wing
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Re: What Makes Narcissists.
Reply #7 - May 1st, 2024 at 5:42pm
The Democraps are Narcissists.
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Re: What Makes Narcissists.
Reply #8 - May 1st, 2024 at 6:54pm
steve9 wrote on May 1st, 2024 at 1:26pm:
[size=12] I googled narcissist to get a definition:
“Narcissistic personality disorder is a mental health condition in which people have an unreasonably high sense of their own importance. They need and seek too much attention and want people to admire them. People with this disorder may lack the ability to understand or care about the feelings of others.”      6 Apr 2023.

Bbwiyawn. He even has the mail order certificate of Doktor to prove it.

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Estragon: I can’t go on like this.
Vladimir: That’s what you think.
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Re: What Makes Narcissists.
Reply #9 - May 2nd, 2024 at 10:29am
     My mentioned Mr X when the topic of narcissism is introduced, Mr X describes characteristics of narcissism, yet states he’s not a narcissist after describing himself. A comment that because he realises the word nasty sound built in the word narcissism, Mr X rejects being a narcissist, which is completely influenced by inner brain ‘school learnt quick to answer short data stream of acknowledgement’ fight or flight emotional decision making.

     Human characters are more grey than true or false as school education taught children to judge data. Human behaviours have a degree of narcissism plus other poor behaviour traits, some humans having extreme behaviours, driven by emotional feel good desires of narcissistic pride of importance in being dominate and or forceful.

     Governments and religions would desire narcissism behaviours with citizenry as once children believe simple feel good ideas, citizenry remain difficult to change their beliefs due to pride in once having made up their memorised beliefs, pride which is felt as not wanting to be see as incorrect within a classroom environment, feeling the fear of being dumb in the awareness of others. Narcissism works for government laws and religions holding humans within church beliefs. Authority can get away with introducing change: wars; economic hardship resulting in family arguments over money issues leading to violence aid keeping population birth growth low allowing population growth through migration to happen.

     When some wise person states “people are stupid” wiser people would suggest narcissistic behaviours ‘reduced ability to learn complex ideas causing learning traumas to be realised, continually keeping them stupid by introducing avoidance fight or flight tactics’ driving stupidity.

     Family violence domestic arguments would be driven by adult narcissism not to lose arguments even when arguments are mostly irrelevant to family life.

     So I pose that school education is designed to bring out the worst of human behaviour by punishing normal human childhood curiosity which if allowed leads to rationalised thoughts, instead school education focused attention on spelling words being true or false results in creating degrees of workload anger and mental stress cortisol and adrenaline also driving ‘ADHD’, maintaining ‘through repetitive behaviours’ inner brain fight or flight behaviours.

     Human executive decision making frontal lobes location brains rather than being used to memorise human complex experiences formulated best outcomes, frontal lobes are memorising: spelling words; desired likes and dislikes; be within the first to laugh so other children can see self-intelligence got classroom banter jokes; group thought reactions being limited to classrooms limited experiences until brains become exhausted by workload stress.

     Children through to teenagers years, after school activities limit desired experiences to: listening to music; sports practice; do not experience intelligent inquiry to the joy of school educated to be dumb parents; teenagers judge homework as terrible to perform, further punishing future incentives to learn new complex idea skills.

     By psychologically punishing human curiosity for learning difficult skills thoughts, governments creating licensed skills limiting information for citizenry to do same trades, most citizenry have to pay other trades people to perform tasks, often borrowing finance getting into debt pay interest on borrowed money to have tasks performed. Taxes are paid to earn money to pay trades people whom pay taxes.

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John Smith
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Re: What Makes Narcissists.
Reply #10 - May 2nd, 2024 at 6:20pm
What Makes Narcissists.

Often it's rich daddys who tell their spoilt brat he can do no wrong and how he's the best, even when he screws up, followed by morons like horseboy and Frank kissing the narcissists arse  helps exacerbate their narcissism
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Our esteemed leader:
I hope that bitch who was running their brothels for them gets raped with a cactus.
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Re: What Makes Narcissists.
Reply #11 - May 3rd, 2024 at 1:58pm
     My response to an ABC24 April 3, 11.00 to 11.58 AM entitled ‘gendered violence’.

     Narcissistic boys and men whom feel themselves special, feel having a beautiful looking girlfriend, marrying a women not being left behind by fellow males whom marry, having a trophy wife increases men’s reward status, otherwise men have one fewer reasons to get married, allowing wives to have children. Even men whom may say they want children, are more into feeling ‘being a boss’ being something special to a number of children.
     With men, financial responsibility of having families are not really considered as parents have not confided in their children on the stress of financing a family, to have a roof over their heads plus all other expenses. Meaning establishment influenced governments don’t want young men to be able to think long term what marriage brings. Some men may consider marrying women whose parents are wealthy leaving women with poor renter parents least likely to find husbands.

     Women are more concerned with finding a husband in order to have children and that husbands are expected to finance women’s baby making desires. In my experience, directly after women finish schooling, a serious search for financially viable husband is a priority. If men have narcissism tendencies women often have few alternative choices, so the love factor is more disguising both sexes true motives, even though both sexes being together creates increased emotional brain chemical stimuli rewards, reasons for what emotions really mean can be confusing.

     Governments in control of education policies aren’t going to change how children are educated for reasons of propaganda manipulation due to children’s beliefs are held fast due to human narcissism pride not to change beliefs or be influenced to re-access beliefs in fear of (revisiting classroom repressed feared memories) being seen by others within school classrooms as being incorrect, felt classroom traumas repressed by ‘quick to decide’ self-learnt denial tactics.
     Establishment’s hundreds of years of manipulating stories and forcing proscribe long hours of school education ‘beginning during Elizabeth 1 forcing 12 hours per day 6 days per week’ onto children for government reasons of controlling citizenry fixed beliefs, grown adults acted like children because individual thought was punished by teachers, replaced by: King and country; pointless for experiencing thinking history lessons; Shakespeare spoken sentence meanings; irrelevant phased classical literature.
     Governments may state ‘fewer men wouldn’t bother marrying women realising the life changes, lost independence marriage would bring, merely for men to experience delusional emotional self-gratification’. The point being government want inner brain emotional decision making.

     In Australia, before 1960s ended, women lost employment being employed in government and corporate jobs soon after women married. My thinking reason being families with one male employee received enough wage to support a wife and 2  point 5 children. Two income earners allowed borrowing debt to be paid out earlier than families with one income earners. Married women get to have and raise the next generation. Too many children leading to too many young adults citizenry, long term population growth without viable food and shelter resources, history indicates population unrest, more people dying during wars, high risk of rebellion, governments toppled: French revolution; Russian revolution.

     Family violence will never end as true love over long periods may have more children than environments can provide desired resources. Jesus’ death holiday celebration Easter Rabbits hiding chocolate eggs for children to find have symbolic meanings, rabbits have many babies and eggs symbolise rebirth, to be reborn first people have to die, hence the symbolic meaning of Jesus death. Before babies are born some number of people have to die to make room on this earth for new generations, a concept most of my post readers will reject.
     I didn’t invent the rabbit nor the egg symbolism, rulers of thousands of years ago did, generations of rulers use the symbolism to justify within people whom realising what war is about and establishment associates what may happen next.

     If you the reader have read this far, no change will happen to fix family violence problems. Need not be surprised if the problem worsens.

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Re: What Makes Narcissists.
Reply #12 - May 4th, 2024 at 12:21am
I’m a Narcissist and so is my cat!
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Don’t vote for any of them!
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Grappler Deep State Feller
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Re: What Makes Narcissists.
Reply #13 - May 4th, 2024 at 12:40am
Why is this 'narcissism' discussion all about boys?  More women than men suffer from mental issues - always has been a given - 10% as opposed to 5%....

I think, at this time, there are far bigger issues in regards to relationships to be looking at instead of chasing after 'boys' and making moral assertions about toxicity and such.

What percentage of kids are actually 'narcissistic'?   Very, very few, so stop ring barking up the wrong trees again.

IF indeed such a thing is occurring - blame the single parent problem first, then the creche system, then 'teachers' and their values and standards these days.

That's where your problems begin and end with regards to girls and boys these days...... the lack of solid male figures.... the absent within his own home father as in 'Sons and Lovers', all the way to the absented father robbed of his family and any input to them.

Now then - who is to blame for all that, eh?  Lessee now....

And apart from that your genuine biggest issue for many years has been - and I gather you are chasing this 'sort the boys out by larnin' them respect etc' (poor little buggars won;t have a single idea WTF you are raving about) - the Princess Diarrhoea - wherein we treat our daughters (rightly so but what about your sons?) as princesses and give them the world..... and now look at the joint?

They are told day and night how powerful they are, how wonderful they are, how smart they are for being handed everything ... and so on and soon and so on - and then they meet arseholes that kill them etc..... when dad would have said - "Stay away from that guy!  Drowned rat with tatts and atts and drug habit - look at his eyes... thinks he's some gangstah with a golden glove.... avoid like the plague."

But what about the majority of boys?  The decent ones with real values?  They are treated like rubbish.... leftovers while the girls are still being handed affirmative action into everything to make them look good..... special this and special that ... every spokie you see on TV these days is some sheila .... and standards are dropping like a falling safe while the blokes who built all those things from start to finish are left out.

Let's first stop the war on boys......... GIVE respect..... then try doing the same with men....
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“Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passion, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence.”
― John Adams
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Re: What Makes Narcissists.
Reply #14 - May 5th, 2024 at 9:34am
     My noticed experience is that narcissism and other mental illnesses can worsen as people age depending on the behavioural environment path people are on.
     Mr X when I first met was timid, married a ‘country girl’ women who had little choice who to marry other than Mr X, she was demanding more verbal communication from Mr X. Mr X was brought up in house of don’t talk at the dinner table, eldest of four children. After his wife ended the marriage around 1990, Mr X as a narcissist his rejection effecting his emotional belief in his all knowing superiority based on an A grade HSC education speller and imaginary expert at grammar, further influenced by how good he could throw darts, Mr X’s inner brain fight or flight reaction was to seek medication via doctor prescribed drugs, soon after got himself diagnosed with depression, by around 1992 obtained a CenterLink disability pension, for his entire life, has been medicated for depression ever since, financed by federal government.
     Because Mr X was so demoralised by rejection by his trophy wife, knowing few thought provoking skills to remember other than throwing darts competition wins, Mr X dwelling on his demoralised memories, by year 2000 his depression worsened, consuming the strongest anti depression drugs which could be prescribed.
     Using my resent conversations relating to media lies: spacecraft travel; etc., Mr X uses sudden busts of anger to repress my further statements being unable to converse an argument why my statements are incorrect.

     Mr X’s inability to reason out rationalised arguments I blame on: quiz show format of short data streams; school education spelling and maths task stressing encouraging children to teenagers to self-medicate mental stress using delusional self-gratification narcissism thoughts for mere carrying out easy memory tasks aged 5 years children could achieve if they weren’t so mentally stressed by long 6 hour days of being held in classrooms repeatedly doing much the same tasks curriculum.

     I conclude Mr X’s lack of rationalising thoughts experiences, relying on emotional brain stimuli self-mediation delusions, which overall over time worsened his narcissistic condition, Mr X doesn’t talk to any person in fear of being demoralised by unfamiliar conversations he can’t compete in order to gain a feeling of being a winner and or being a dominate character.

     The middle aged man who killed four people in Bondi Junction West Field shopping centre who had issues with women, myself assuming women were rejecting him due to his said by parents angry behaviour had much the same issues as my Mr X.

     I can’t help to notice media television programming have increased programming tactics to shorten streams of knowledge into ‘photo slide show’ imaging fast quick glimpses of mostly ‘no information’ people’s faces. Commercial station 20 minutes of commercials for every 40 minutes of programs, 60 minutes scheduling, commercials are often focused at child-like intelligence entertainments which have little promotional value on products on sale.
     Programs advertised as comedy, canned laughter after every comment distances sentence to next sentence probable meaningful connection using loud laughter noise, whether following sentences have meaningful connections, psychological conditioning not to short term remember ideas of recently heard sentences making meaningful connections with following sentences becomes a behavioural habit.
     Most dramas are about murder investigations, limiting heard conversations to people and moving from place to place locations, violent scuffles, gun scenes, same limited ideas using fast movement car and on foot running chases.
     Sport… dogs love chasing balls, having no frontal lobes as humans have, little brain capacity for thinking language, many humans love watching ball manipulation sports, as though humans are repressing language base thinking behaviours, keeping comment awareness simple.

     Federal governments make rules about prime television channels must have a percentage of Australian produced productions, yet seemingly have no rules on dumb down human intelligence productions.

     Federal government provide tax payer money grant subsides to Australian film industry which overall many are seen as violent outback bible story format movies, yet school students would learn far easier in schools of Australian history if Australian history were produced in movie formats financed with tax payers. Yet I suggest school education is designed to make learning Australian history as well as everything else difficult to remember, using mental stress negative reinforcements, that knowing information is punishing to learning senses, having to remember data the difficult way, students forced to select short streams of data for periodic examinations.

     Human ability to correctly think out problem issues, exampling RBA interest rates increases fight inflation or think to realise interest rate increases are causing increased inflation. The more news stories make short simple to understand comments that RBA are fighting inflation to more dog intelligent humans believe lies.

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