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Labor Is Entrenching Disadvantage (Read 155 times)
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Labor Is Entrenching Disadvantage
May 3rd, 2024 at 5:25pm
Following calls from leading economists for the Albanese Government to increase Jobseeker and Youth Allowance to 90% of the Age Pension, Labor can’t continue to ignore the millions of Australians on poverty-payments, Greens say.

Quotes attributable to Senator Penny Allman-Payne, Greens social services spokesperson:

“It’s undeniable that the current rate of Jobseeker and Youth Allowance traps people in poverty.

“Centrelink payments not only trap people in poverty, but can trap women in abusive homes. It is so much harder to escape violence when you’re financially insecure, and victims of violence who are on Jobseeker are relentlessly re-traumatised by a social security system that keeps them in poverty.

“60% of single mums have experienced abuse, and the $5000 announced today isn’t enough to make up for the woefully inadequate Jobseeker payment many of these women will need to survive on after leaving a violent home. And that's if women get these emergency payments at all; last year, over half of claims for the Escaping Violence Payment were rejected by the Albanese government.

“Everyday, millions of Australians feel the crushing stress of living on Centrelink: they’re showering less and not turning on the heating to save on bills, they’re forgoing necessary medication, they’re choosing between paying rent and eating.

“In a wealthy country like ours, no-one should have to live like this.

“Labor promised when they came to power that no one would be left behind. Yet people on income support are literally starving while Labor turns a blind eye.

“Labor’s own hand-picked Economic Inclusion Advisory Committee has recommended raising Jobseeker to 90% of the Age Pension two years in a row. Today,  leading economists have reaffirmed we need to substantially raise the rate of income support, because if we don't we are entrenching disadvantage.

“Not only do these poverty-rates entrench disadvantage, it also makes it harder for people to find a job. During COVID, we saw a doubling of income support and more people found work because of it.

“Poverty is a policy choice. This government has spent hundreds of billions of dollars on Stage 3 tax cuts for the rich and big corporations, on more submarines and defense, and tax breaks for fossil fuel companies - all while leaving the most vulnerable Australians to suffer.

“If Labor is serious about keeping any of their promises instead of paying lip service, the government must raise income support above the poverty line in this month’s budget.”
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Grappler Deep State Feller
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Re: Labor Is Entrenching Disadvantage
Reply #1 - May 3rd, 2024 at 10:09pm
Of course they are - they are part of the Ruling Elite (Educated)  Mk I .... why would the want to share prosperity with the rest of the Australian people?  That would defeat the whole purpose of any Socialist desiring to become part of the Ruling Elite.... what's the point if you can't advantage yourself and your own mates and Chosen Ones so as to enjoy the benefits of unequal income for life?

All things, including access to luxury lifestyle, demand that you take possession of as much income as possible - and where else to get it than inside the greatest money vault of all time - government?  Bigger than Ben Hur's bank account!!  More money than you can poke a stick at and always plenty more where that came from - in an endless stream year after year..... and surely custodianing that for the whole country deserves a little for yourself as a bonus?

Luxury lifestyle = advantage - disappears when everyone has it!!!  so what's the point of having it under those circumstances and you have to work for a living like the peasants?

Anyway - as I pointed out over your heads again about the claims of a 'wage gap against women' - that is many lies in one - firstly - as calculated, women are currently receiving here per actual hour worked 7-10% more than men on average and not including all the special leaves and handouts ..... and yet remain clustered in the lower paid jobs - WHICH MEANS - a small percentage among women - but a larger percentage than of men in that same category among men - are receiving MEGA salaries.   Otherwise the figures just would not add up.

So what this means is that EVERYTHING this 'socialist' government does creates greater and greater disadvantage for more, and especially for women, and greater and greater social and economic divides overall..... and that f8unctions generationally...... the family forced into Tent City now will not have the advantages in the future generations that other take for granted and will become the New Swaggies.

THAT is the reality unless YOU put a stop to it NOW!!  Start by stopping the insane handovers to those whinging groups who now reckon they hate imperialism and invasion - and yet they lay claim to masses of land and all in or on it or under it - and it was all grabbed by them by spear point imperialism and through invading their neighbours.

You there yet?  Just learn that NOW is the time to say NOI to all this BS and mean it.

Vote them all out and start again.  Vote 1 - Grappler for Lifetime President....

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“Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passion, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence.”
― John Adams
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Re: Labor Is Entrenching Disadvantage
Reply #2 - May 4th, 2024 at 12:19am

Who can survive on $50 a day?
Why can’t we have a living wage paid ?

We are a rich country, or are we?
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Don’t vote for any of them. They just want your money!
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