And where does a lot of the money go?
Public servants: is pay walled, so here's the important bits.
"Without the slightest hint of irony, the Australian Bureau of Statistics yesterday released the latest Employment and Earnings, Public Sector data for Australia. On the eleventh day of the eleventh month, Australians learned about how many people work for our bureaucratic leviathan."
"In the 12 months to end June 2021, the number of public sector employees across the three levels of Australian (Commonwealth, State and Local) government increased by 3% to 2.1 million. Yes. In a country where the working age population is 12.5 million, 2.1 million people work for the government.
One in six people."
and finally, a dig at
Victoria ..
"But Victorians should fret not. Its public sector had a great pandemic.
Victorian public sector total wages and salaries increased by 9% reflecting both increased costs and an extra 19,000 public servants. This compared very well with a national (State and Territory) wages and salaries increase of 5%.
Did the Victorian economy grow by 9%? No. Did the Victorian population grow by 9%? No. But the cost of the Victorian public sector grew that much. So many achievements for the Andrews government to be proud of in addition to the world’s longest citizen lockdown (or was that lock up?)."