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Capitalism Mafia Style. (Read 219 times)
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Australian Politics

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Capitalism Mafia Style.
May 15th, 2024 at 10:47am
     Western market forces modern capitalism is more like communism controlled citizenry consumer goods and services consumption and population growth control than people are lead to believe.
     Federal treasurers stating families need to have more babies, merely introduces memories into citizenry causing thoughts that forced higher interest rates economic recession/depression conditions aren’t intentionally introduced to reduce births within families, particularly with new immigrates whom are from countries with high birth rate customs and religions.

     Watching the day after 2014 federal budget on ABC breakfast, a repeated theme ‘increasing money supply’ by government handing out free money, $300 for one example, will cause inflation to increase. Short, unexplained comments that small businesses are closing, few to no explained reasons why small businesses are closing down, my explanations are ‘a lack of money being spent’ by previous years of customers due to regular customers increasing priority ‘must be paid bills’ paying for goods and  services inflation above regular customers earnings income low inflation.

     During my late 1960s schooling years I was good at performing basic maths, got most all basic maths questions correct, without having to experience any increased mental stress awareness. Last mid year ‘year 8’ school exam ‘before I left school’, held within James Cook school assembly hall with around 200 other year 8 students, the 1 hour time limit had me finish 10 minutes early before the time limited ended. On lifting my head to see whom else finished the maths exam, I saw no other students for the entire remaining 10 minutes remove their eyes from exams papers.
     I often state school education is designed to punish human learning abilities by forcing too much student brain thinking attention over many hours, building up/increasing mental stress awareness while students perform tasks, forcing back awareness of mental stresses increasing tasks to year 12 HSC exams, I left high school mid year 8, avoiding all that mental stress to at least year 10, a year many students left school.
     My premise here is that human desires to figure out government and media stated independent economists whom are supporting statements that RBA interest rate increases fights inflation, the lack of human intelligence on assuming doubt that such statements are incorrect, I say are caused by school education’s forced learning, conditioning human behaviours: ADHD; psychologically conditioning human learning traumas mental depression awareness, increase as humans begin to think to doubt whats been repeatedly programmed into beliefs (learnt during childhood felt easy learning), as felt learning awareness traumas increase and being incorrect traumas increase, self-learnt to avoid traumas human knee-jerk reactions force other more medicating feel good thoughts, rejecting what causes thought traumas as self-programming reinforced to be incorrect.
     Media commercials quick scenes and short comments aids making quick brain chemical reinforced judgements, within many school educated self-medicating traumatised people, feel smart conditioning.

     Media have stated: one third of Australians own their own home; one third have mortgages to own a home; one third of Australians rent living space. My argument is that the one third of renters paying rent, owners of those rented properties aren’t independent from establishment manipulators. For hundreds of years, western economy populations have lived in some provided housing, that owning a house was not often possible due to low wage many children family working class poverty and not able to save a 20% deposit, not being able to finance a mortgage.
     Providing employment to allow populations to grow, I say real market forces economies are more like 1930s depression years yet even worse if it were not for a degree of inventing money credits to pay for limited working class building houses for working class renters. Invented money built houses, rents merely went back into banks credit sheets an establishment committee controlled.
     Today the one third of renters I assume most rented properties are controlled by that establishment committee I theorise exists, as rents increase, populations, citizenry are being squeezed out of wages, reducing consumption, sending many privately owned small businesses bankrupt, which establishment wants to blame market forces and RBA inflation fighting higher interest rates theory after periods of low interest rate borrowing. Establishment doesn’t want population rebellion, street marches of complaining citizenry, school education supplies the citizenry with repressed intelligent awareness.

     The capitalist system people believe in may have previously existed but such a system would be more slavery to the working class, causing working class rebellions, revolution government overthrows’ chaos.

     If I have convinced readers RBA increased interest rates are inflationary, causing businesses to increase prices to cover increased interest rates on business expenses, that low business turnover due to reduced money in circulation also forces business concerns to increase prices or close down, which apposes RBA theory that reduced money supply forces business to reduce prices. My further claims outer-space travel stories: moon landings; Mars probes; James Webb telescope…. are also false.

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Australian Politics

Posts: 175
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Re: Capitalism Mafia Style.
Reply #1 - May 15th, 2024 at 11:11pm
     For the sake of readers curiosity, the year 8 mid year maths exam myself learnt maths at aged 7 years while not attending school for 12 months, my mid year exam score was 96%. My maths teacher told me he took off 2% for poor effort in colouring in a square, I laughed, and he also concluded the single incorrect answer to an easy to answer question was mere sloppiness rather than by answering the question was too difficult for me the answer correctly. My object of my typing maths exam was to indicate school educated students were having disruptive memory issues, finding answering maths questions difficult, my simple assuming the same difficulty young adults have driving motor vehicles, using unstable emotions driving decision making fight or flight behaviours. All my other school learning subjects I made no effort to remember for exam reasons, being that from early primary school I always intended to leave school when legal age permitted.

     Renters whom believe properties for rent are owned by rich citizenry landlords, I recon most landlords are mere in the know front people acting as owner landlords for many rented properties, properties purchased cheaply from distressed sellers during high interest rate recession periods: 1980s increasing higher interest rates; Keating’s 1990 to 1994 recession; thereabouts 1998 low house prices while share markets were booming; 2004 high interest rate period after a low interest rate boom caused by New York World Trade Centre twin towers collapse ‘world trade collapse’ fear excuses; may include 2008 GFC scare period.
     Myself as a property renter from 2001 to 2010, I mentioned to a real estate renters property manager I paid rent to, that of his property owners ‘being around 110’ he contacts by phone asking advice on maintenance issues, most landlords never visit properties in person. I received no reaction to the my question. I asked another female property manager I knew previously the same question, soon after passing the manager in Woolworths I was treated as though I was a plague carrier.

     Michael Moore “Capitalism: A love Story” describes during 2007 Subprime USA housing collapse crises, rich people were buying up super cheap properties. Rich people buyers could have been USA establishment front people buying up establishment controlled market forces depressed properties, depressed by real estate valuations banks formulate whether to foreclose on bank loans.

     I originally had this same Mafia quote as “Australian capitalist government socialism mafia style” I told this title to a Centrelink disability assessor in 2011, who instantly understood the comment, remarked the description as humorously clever.

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Australian Politics

Posts: 1384
Gender: male
Re: Capitalism Mafia Style.
Reply #2 - May 16th, 2024 at 12:53am
Your premise are interesting.
Some I instantly agree with other I need to consider.
I enjoy thinking so thank you for your post.
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The views expressed in my posts are mine and mine alone.

I take no responsibility for the publication of my views on this site. The said ( sic) responsibility is with the owner of this website .
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Posts: 49893
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Re: Capitalism Mafia Style.
Reply #3 - May 16th, 2024 at 6:22am
America rejected the British Political way in its War of Independence, where it thought it superior to adopt the Italian (also Greek) way along with the French and German political way.
But as you saw, British Politics prevailed against German politics, which exploded in Nazism - in Europe.
This resulted in the end of Confederation in America.
Soon the French will politically implode and Britain will again prevail.
This will be the self-destruction of the Union-Democracy in America.
Then it will just be Britain v Italy in Europe.
As it will be the Fall of Rome in America - as Issaac Asimov foretold in his Foundation Series if you read between the lines on his comment of American society.

One day - after Italian 'Mafia' Politics is gone in Europe (the Mafia being the Media in America).
The Great 'Political' Britain will sunder from the United 'Royal Celebrity' Kingdom.
The United Kingdom will be the weakest in Europe, bending the knee to the superior Italian 'Eurovision' Royalty.
Great Britain will be jilted out of Europe to reclaim North America as it once did, but to reside permanently in order to save the country from its 'fall' from long ago.

At the moment, America is ruled by the Media Mafia who keep Americans in the dark, like Religion from the Middle-East kept Africans in the dark (continent).
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