UnSubRocky wrote on Jun 5
th, 2024 at 10:24pm:
I think it would be good that Sad Kangaroo's concession be graciously accepted.
Oh - I tend to think that when someone rides me, they should be ridden back..... it's hardly my fault that he relentlessly reads in to things to suit his own version of Victim Town..... even my posting heaps of actual links that, put together, show the true extent and nature of the Voice By Stealth - something he is entitled to discuss and he can always refute or list links that show the opposite of what I post - he considers to be definitive statements of 'racism' etc even when I make no comment on them but simply post them for consideration.
Clearly he is not a balanced person, but some form of zealot more at home in Gaza propping up child killers... or something of that kind... it takes a special kind of bleach to the own eyes to see something nasty lurking inside everything - and then refusing to accept the clear explanation...
I offer to go along with the idea of a separate Aboriginous (they cannot claim the term Indigenous any more - we must take back the reality of language one word at a time, same as with the other ideologies doing the rounds - we are all Indigenous after generations - so they are now Aboriginous) State, and they call me racist for agreeing - and, of course, by actually agreeing with the Black Supremacist demand for a totally separate State without any input from Wharte Australia, showing how totally absurd and unworkable it is. That's how stupid ideologues are. Apparently it's not a stupid, racist idea to demand a separate state where they cannot possibly prosper on their own - but it is somehow a stupid, racist idea to agree with them..... lick their balls and say 'Yassuh!'
I mention that in between killing and raping babies, the perps might get hungry - and Skanka instantly leaps to accusations of calling them 'cannibals' as well - well - they may well be in the Outer Reaches and nobody knows .... but I merely thought they might want Macca's or something. In the Austroreich we take our connections very seriously and literally - you are not entitled to read in.... but this is a lovely 'trigger point' for the Skanka from now on...
Just some examples - I say stuff Skanka until he gets his/her mind right and stops being such a pompous asshole, and brings methra with him. She has never yet apologised to me for the vile attacks on my excellent self and my character etc, from that moron troll FTLW AND for the unpardonable sin of accusing me of attacking him when it was he coming in at office hours every day and having at me in the most vile terms.
I cannot train idiots - but I can sure handle their bowling.....
Now then about that Homeland.... gonna be fun to put all them groups into one area - sort of a super Wadeye where they only have seven groups who for some reason, stick around instead of going 'home' to their native country and putting in a land claim (something that needs to be settled right now BTW - nobody can come along these days, plant a flag, real or symbolic and demand ownership of what they can see).
Which leads us to another issue - I say 'give 'em each a plot of land freehold', a far better deal than anyone else gets, and that's it! Stuff it up and it's gone forever - but you cannot and will not claim massive swathes of land on the myth that your ancestors walked there or it's a sacred site - no religion has sacred sites everywhere in sight ..... natural wonders are held in trust for EVERYONE by those filthy government bodies who imagine they can give them away at whim. And so they will remain, with or without the consent of those treacherous and lying bodies.
Now then - about that Maverick style reservation hunt there............ any takers? Anyone feeling hungry? Anyone else feel like baiting a ratbag?