Grappler Truth Teller Feller wrote on Jun 3
rd, 2024 at 6:19pm:
Well - they do have a point -
Any "point" made by a delusional
individual freedom ideologue (aka a "sovereign citizen") is based on - a delusion re individual sovereignty, so should be approached with extreme caution.
Quote:as much point as the Secessionist States seceding from the Union.... a Union entered into voluntarily can be broken...... and one entered into by one side involuntarily from birth is open to discussion at the very least.
Er - sovereignty of government is not subject to voluntary acceptance by individual citizens of the country.
Quote:So - what about that ceding of sovereignty here? That is a big issue and is never openly discussed around the dreaded round table with all 'stakeholders' given a fair chance and equal footing, just like every other important issue - but is left instead to a set of pat phrases to be bandied about at whim by 'activists'.
Your error: black activists aren't claiming to be 'sovereign citizens' ( the topic of this thread), they are claiming sovereignty for the 'black nation' (sic).
Quote:True government comes from a mandate of the masses,
"True government" can only exist via rule of law, to avoid anarchy.
Quote:...willingly given and fully informed!
Get back to us when you can show an electorate which is "fully informed" .....
Quote:You see the difference? 'We' choose to be rules-bound - these Sovereign Citoyennes refuse to be....... s'all about.............. (rolling thunder for dividie).................. Personal Sovereignty.... innit?
Refuted above.