Frank wrote on Jun 15
th, 2024 at 3:59pm:

What is the agenda of the ABC, Granuiad? Whose agenda are they pushing?
You are not thinking that they are totally neutral, impartial and without any agenda, are you?
They are in the pay of their Kommissar masters in the Canberlin ... they are willing apparatchiks who are sweetened by cash and position in the Party structures.... they pursue the same party line as the Party .... by contrast several times a year I sign a paper saying I adhere to NO party at all in any way... true, too.... I despise them all.
You lot are beginning to find out why - the invisible power brokers, like cab driver Obeid risen way above his station and abilities ... the kind of division and exclusion policies put about by General Albanese and his selected government lackeys and Gauleiters and Reichsleiters etc... the Madness of King Voldemort and his Business Flunkeys and Neo-Feudal Barons etc ... the sheer insanity of the Greens... the utter duplicity of Pauline Hanson ....
For those of you who imagine this is some strange mix of 'left' and 'right' wing titles - you could not be more wrong - there is no real difference between extreme Right and extreme Left - both seek and pursue by any means as absolute control over populace and nation as they can possibly get their filthy hands on - your job, as an elector, is to stop them.
Of course, you may well prefer to live under some New Robber Baron as your Overlord with absolute power over you in some Neo-Feudal fantasy world designer created by them to suit themselves first........
I don't watch Sky ..... plenty of my links posted say ABC News....

Gaslighting again.... you and others who've chosen your 'side' do a lot of that... and you persist in the belief - bleaching your own eyes - that all the changes you are pushing for will all be NIYBY. Good luck - remember what I said about the socialist parties in Germany, 1933, thinking they could control Hitler using the democratic system and vote of the people... Hitler only held 30% of the vote or so...
Now look at Albo's Mistake and then the States' Hubris .... 61-39 .... you must make disaster beckon for them - not for Australia.... so remove the bleach from thine own eyes.