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Europe moves in the RIGHT direction (Read 237 times)
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Europe moves in the RIGHT direction
Jun 10th, 2024 at 7:24am
First projection for new European parliament published
A first estimate for the whole parliament, based on 11 member states’ estimates, has been published.

Centre-right European People’s party: 181

Socialists and Democrats: 135

Renew: 82

European Conservatives and Reformists: 71

Far-right Identity and Democracy: 62

Greens: 53

The Left: 34
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Estragon: I can’t go on like this.
Vladimir: That’s what you think.
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Re: Europe moves in the RIGHT direction
Reply #1 - Jun 10th, 2024 at 7:26am
Macron dissolves French parliament and calls snap election; Meloni’s party leading in Italy, poll says
Emmanuel Macron makes shock decision as far-right make huge gains in France and across continent

Macron to dissolve French parliament after crushing loss to far right
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Estragon: I can’t go on like this.
Vladimir: That’s what you think.
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Weed is my Jesus

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Re: Europe moves in the RIGHT direction
Reply #2 - Jun 10th, 2024 at 7:30am
Please see if Blooby can help you to get on the right medication.
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I go places inside my head with an eye on tomorrow to keep my soul fed
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Re: Europe moves in the RIGHT direction
Reply #3 - Jun 12th, 2024 at 9:52am
The term “right-wing” is used chiefly as an insult for anyone who stands against the groupthink of received liberal opinion.

The attitude was that anyone who defied the liberal consensus on anything wasn’t just wrong but positively evil and beyond the pale. Now, however, millions of Europeans have voted for “hard-right populists”. So are all these millions also beyond the pale? Yes, say the liberals, and the reason is that evil right-wing people have manipulated them because the public are credulous and stupid. Apparently. One is reminded of the line in Bertolt Brecht’s satirical poem about the East German uprising of 1953 that the government should “dissolve the people and elect another”. It never occurs to the liberal establishment that the problem might be them.

What the “populists” have in common, and what is bringing them to power, is that they represent a revolt against a homogeneous political establishment that ignores, scorns or punishes eminently reasonable, and indeed necessary, concerns. This establishment has turned immigration and the related issue of Islamisation into a taboo. Anyone who opposes mass, uncontrolled immigration and the rapid growth of a minority of which a significant proportion want to Islamise western society is anathematised as a racist or Islamophobe.

Yet it’s reasonable to cherish a culture that you recognise as home, that upholds values you hold dear and that you share with others. It’s reasonable to want this not to be taken away by politicians who have never asked if you wanted your culture and nation to be transformed. It’s reasonable to want your borders to be controlled and the rates of mass and uncontrolled immigration to be scaled back. It’s reasonable to object to being denounced as a bigot or Islamophobe if you want any of these things. The liberal establishment, however, refuses to attend to these concerns and instead terms them unreasonable and “deplorable”. That’s what has fuelled this “populist” surge.

Melanie Phillips
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Estragon: I can’t go on like this.
Vladimir: That’s what you think.
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Re: Europe moves in the RIGHT direction
Reply #4 - Jun 12th, 2024 at 10:08am
Frank wrote on Jun 12th, 2024 at 9:52am:
The term “right-wing” is used chiefly as an insult for anyone who stands against the groupthink of received liberal opinion.

The attitude was that anyone who defied the liberal consensus on anything wasn’t just wrong but positively evil and beyond the pale. Now, however, millions of Europeans have voted for “hard-right populists”. So are all these millions also beyond the pale? Yes, say the liberals, and the reason is that evil right-wing people have manipulated them because the public are credulous and stupid. Apparently. One is reminded of the line in Bertolt Brecht’s satirical poem about the East German uprising of 1953 that the government should “dissolve the people and elect another”. It never occurs to the liberal establishment that the problem might be them.

What the “populists” have in common, and what is bringing them to power, is that they represent a revolt against a homogeneous political establishment that ignores, scorns or punishes eminently reasonable, and indeed necessary, concerns. This establishment has turned immigration and the related issue of Islamisation into a taboo. Anyone who opposes mass, uncontrolled immigration and the rapid growth of a minority of which a significant proportion want to Islamise western society is anathematised as a racist or Islamophobe.

Yet it’s reasonable to cherish a culture that you recognise as home, that upholds values you hold dear and that you share with others. It’s reasonable to want this not to be taken away by politicians who have never asked if you wanted your culture and nation to be transformed. It’s reasonable to want your borders to be controlled and the rates of mass and uncontrolled immigration to be scaled back. It’s reasonable to object to being denounced as a bigot or Islamophobe if you want any of these things. The liberal establishment, however, refuses to attend to these concerns and instead terms them unreasonable and “deplorable”. That’s what has fuelled this “populist” surge.

Melanie Phillips

Exactly. This is the inevitable backlash from the  majority who have had enough of seeing the fabric of their society destroyed by the so called 'progressives' and their totalitarian demands for unquestioning obedience. 
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"I may not agree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

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Re: Europe moves in the RIGHT direction
Reply #5 - Jul 2nd, 2024 at 5:38pm
End of an era.


So it may be la fin d'un ère in more than a Macronian sense. De Gaulle's Fifth Republic was designed to straitjacket French politics into a narrow range of alternating bland left-of-centre/right-of-centre choices. Instead, under the dinky boy, the French centre has utterly imploded. In the village I chance to know best ...(on a seventy-four per cent turnout) forty-seven per cent voted for the "far right" and another twenty-six per cent for the hard left; that doesn't leave a lot for the so-called "mainstream" parties.

What will the next week bring? The French establishment is urging "unity" against the Rassemblement National, the elites being so oblivious they think it's still 2002 when Chirac faced off against Marine's dad and the masses could be cajoled to "vote for the crook not the fascist". Mme Le Pen is not her father, and Macron is loathed by two-thirds of the electorate on a scale unknown to the merely conventionally sleazy Chirac. Legions of leftie youth, meanwhile, reacted to last night's results in the traditional manner - doing their bit to "save democracy" by smashing up cellphone shops:

That'll put a dent in some storefronts, but not in Mme Le Pen's vote. The difference between now and 2002 is the much more widespread sense that France itself is unravelling - twelve-year-old girls are kidnapped and gang-raped; Mohamed Amra and the assassination team that sprang him from prison are still at large; a few hours before polling stations opened, "gang" members shot up a wedding in Lorraine, killing one man and wounding a pregnant woman.. Scenes of French cities aflame will not do anything to diminish the rationale for the Rassemblement National. Au contraire...

Still, how Round Two will go is a tough call because nothing like it has happened before. The Fifth Republic's voting system was created to ensure the first round eliminated all but Tweedleleft and Tweedleright. Instead, the high turnout has resulted in a record number of soi-disant "triangulaires" - constituencies in which a third-placed party (in this case Macron's) did well enough to qualify for the runoff. In 2017, there was just one "triangulaire"; in 2022, there were eight; on Sunday there will be over three hundred. In the coming days, there will be a lot of horse-trading between the "centre" and the "left" to reduce the variables. However, down at street level, there are enough lefties who'd rather vote for Le Pen than Macron, and a few centrists who'd rather vote for Le Pen than Mélenchon.

Conversely, the system is supposed to make it difficult to win outright in the first round. Yet Mme Le Pen and some thirty-six of her colleagues did so. For purposes of comparison, at the dawn of the Macron era, in 2017, RN eventually won eight seats in the National Assembly. Last night they won five times as many on the first ballot.

So something is approaching critical mass. On the current numbers, the "far right" would likely fall just a handful shy of a majority (289 seats) in the new parliament. Could the next seven days put them over the finish line? Certainly - especially if the most visible signs of the "united" resistance are the despised globalist tinpot and the anarchist youth. Nevertheless, a more cautious person might bet on Mme Le Pen coming up just a wee bit short - if only because all the forces of the French elites are determined to stop her.


Similarly, I am worried about what swifty the Dems are going to pull THIS TIME in the US.
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Estragon: I can’t go on like this.
Vladimir: That’s what you think.
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Grappler Truth Teller Feller
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Re: Europe moves in the RIGHT direction
Reply #6 - Jul 2nd, 2024 at 9:15pm
I don't see consideration of control over immigration as being 'right' as such - it is just as 'left' being socialist for its own people and in a sense, for the world at large .... and who is to be considered first and foremost?  Socialism for the world or socialism for one's own first?

Only the deep thinking theorists imagine that 'socialism for the world' is the answer.... we see them here all the time.... not a single viable thought in their mind about the actual impact and realities of what they claim to imagine they espouse..... and never an answer on HOW exactly this 'socialism' will create the best world....

With a world population approaching 8 billion................... and accelerating away ............ please explain?

Now then - every country MUST regain and retain control over its immigration - starting with mass immigration - then immigration of any kind from certain regions and belief regions that do not fit ... finally the axe is starting to settle in the breast of every European country - about what they have done and allowed to be done to them... and how dangerous they have made their own world inside their national boundaries.

Which of these will survive a collapse of economic factors worldwide, as is inevitable given the accelerating away world population and the increasing demands on resources?  Which of these will survive the mass extinction events of disease outbreaks etc?  Consider these in the context of current population numbers....

How many will NOT have their village gutters and roads lined with corpses of starved and/or diseased victims?  How many will not be beset by maruauding gangs such as in The Last Valley?

Is this what WE want?  If you were to ask me, I would say abandon the cities to their fate.... but shut them off from us so they can't invade us with all their illegal guns etc and their criminal ways.... who will survive the city disasters?  Those with the guns and the least morality.......... the criminals who will ride over or kill others to get their way... and Howard has rendered us all incapable of self-defence ....

We must wall in the cities against the future disasters... student climbs on QANTAS plane for India - dies......  as in.... WTF???


Footnote:-  Hey, Smith!  messra!! Sacka! That's just me being crazy or racist or a victim, eh?  Don't come crying to me when your world collapses in on you..... you've done your dash with me.... I only have time for the living... not you mentally dead already...
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« Last Edit: Jul 2nd, 2024 at 9:26pm by Grappler Truth Teller Feller »  

“Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passion, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence.”
― John Adams
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Australian Politics

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Re: Europe moves in the RIGHT direction
Reply #7 - Jul 9th, 2024 at 2:33am
Frank wrote on Jun 12th, 2024 at 9:52am:
The term “right-wing” is used chiefly as an insult for anyone who stands against the groupthink of received liberal opinion.

The attitude was that anyone who defied the liberal consensus on anything wasn’t just wrong but positively evil and beyond the pale. Now, however, millions of Europeans have voted for “hard-right populists”. So are all these millions also beyond the pale? Yes, say the liberals, and the reason is that evil right-wing people have manipulated them because the public are credulous and stupid. Apparently. One is reminded of the line in Bertolt Brecht’s satirical poem about the East German uprising of 1953 that the government should “dissolve the people and elect another”. It never occurs to the liberal establishment that the problem might be them.

What the “populists” have in common, and what is bringing them to power, is that they represent a revolt against a homogeneous political establishment that ignores, scorns or punishes eminently reasonable, and indeed necessary, concerns. This establishment has turned immigration and the related issue of Islamisation into a taboo. Anyone who opposes mass, uncontrolled immigration and the rapid growth of a minority of which a significant proportion want to Islamise western society is anathematised as a racist or Islamophobe.

Yet it’s reasonable to cherish a culture that you recognise as home, that upholds values you hold dear and that you share with others. It’s reasonable to want this not to be taken away by politicians who have never asked if you wanted your culture and nation to be transformed. It’s reasonable to want your borders to be controlled and the rates of mass and uncontrolled immigration to be scaled back. It’s reasonable to object to being denounced as a bigot or Islamophobe if you want any of these things. The liberal establishment, however, refuses to attend to these concerns and instead terms them unreasonable and “deplorable”. That’s what has fuelled this “populist” surge.

Melanie Phillips

Home? You hate everything our jolly country stands for, dear boy. Our people, our culture, our rule of law.

Ever thought of going back to where you come from?
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