Less than a quarter of China's population can afford a car. Even fewer can afford an electric car. But in order to reduce smog in China's large cities (which admittedly is terrible) the CCP is heavily subsidising electric vehicles, which only foreigners and China's wealth elite can afford. The CCP is taking from China's poor and giving to China's rich.
But it gets worse. The US and EU are importing these subsidised vehicles, then slapping a huge tax on them to compensate for the subsidy. So the CCP is taking from China's poor and giving the money to the US government and the EU. These taxes are huge - 100% in the US, and about 40% for the EU.
thegreatdivide wrote on Jun 17
th, 2024 at 1:47pm:
freediver wrote on Jun 16
th, 2024 at 8:41pm:
Quote:The Chinese government was forced to deal with pollution in its cities, hence the state-subsidized PV and EV industries resulting in China now being a world leader in those industries.
So the Chinese poor have to pay for expensive electric vehicles for the rich so they can breath clean air?
Wrong as usual; both rich and poor in China demanded the government deal with the catastrophic air pollution in China's cities in the 2010's, a feat it has now achieved - unlike the long suffering citizens in the 'world's largest democracy' (India)...
Quote: Not only do they pay for China's wealthy to drive electric vehicles, they subsidise them all over the world. They even donate the funds to the US government and EU.
You are dementing again; I already explained the subsidy issues to you - which you blithely ignore without acknowledgement.
Quote:Do you think it is a bit silly for China to be a "world leader" in subsidising a product that pretty much every westerner has, but less than a quarter of Chinese people can afford?
More asinine questions which have already been answered - the result of your dementia (or crippled brain resulting from ideological blindness).
Hint: not many Westerners have EVs.
You are confused TGD. If you want to reduce smog in the city from cars, reduce pollution from cars. There are lots of ways to do that. It is not necessary for China's poor to subsidise expensive electric cars for foreigners, wealthy Chinese, and the US and EU governments. It's like the CCP's education system has rendered you incapable of thinking for yourself. This is the same sort of "logic" that lead the CCP to start killing farmers and food merchants to take control of China's agriculture. Except this one favours the rich at the expense of the poor. Simply linking the policy to smog does not justify it, not matter how much arm waving you do.