A windmill and a wind turbine are different in structure and purpose, even though many people use the terms interchangeably.
A windmill is a very old technology that uses the wind to either mill grains into flour, drive machines, or move water.
A wind turbine converts wind energy into electricity by turning a turbine.
I can't recall WHO - if ANYONE - ever claimed that EITHER of our community owned turbines is/was or tried to be a "blast furnace" ?
We own substancial shares in Hepburn Energy (wind turbines)
... and a roof covered in solar panels - with 3-way insulation (ceilings, walls and floors) and double glazing, a heat pump hot water service, HP washing machine, HP clothes dryer - plus "smart" appliances where possible, throughout the rest of the house
Plus, the addition of a new Jeep EV - though we've held on to the diesel Mitsubishi Utility, for occasional long trips and work around "Billabongyille"
Our electricity bills are sometimes in the red, sometimes in the black, hovering around ZERO.
We are the "lifters" in cutting carbon gas output - supporting a lot of "leaners" - aside from all the money saved (no water bills, either)
So, when anyone from the pro fossil-fuel lobby, the pro-nuclear lobby, the anti-renewable lobby - and climate-change deniers, in general - tell me it cannot be done, I know I don't even need to respond - in the knowledge
we're having the last laugh.