John Smith wrote on Jul 9
th, 2024 at 8:16pm:
Gnads wrote on Jul 9
th, 2024 at 6:58pm:
John Smith wrote on Jul 8
th, 2024 at 8:58am:
Gnads wrote on Jul 8
th, 2024 at 7:06am:
You're a moron. It was shown to you you're historically incorrect about new technology and our ability to get it built here.
No it wasn't. It wasn't my fault that you are to stupid to understand what you are saying.
Most of the imported workforce for the Snowy scheme was
unskilled labour. poo kickers needed to do the heavy lifting. Same with the bridge.
One or two architects or engineers to oversee a project is not 'importing a workforce. Nuclear is different. You
can't have unskilled people working there. They
have to be trained and they have to understand what they are doing as one wrong move can be catastrophic.
BS - the engineers & architects if imported like the shyte kickers are part of "the imported work force".
A nuclear site would not be dangerous to the point of an accident being catastrophic until the very final stages.
You're an alarmist softcock.
Everything about your moronic attitude & failure to comprehend the simplest of concepts is your fault.
Chernobyl is what happens when you have unskilled people looking after a nuclear reactor. Staff in any reactor need to be highly trained. Not to sit there and stare at monitors, but to know exactly what they need to do if something goes wrong. You might be happy with unskilled migrants working there but I'm betting none of the proposed sites are anywhere near you.
You know that they were unskilled how?
The highly trained staff are only required once the actual commissioning of the reactor starts.
Prior to that the construction doesn't require that sort of expertise.
I never said anything about having unskilled migrants working in those roles.
The subject at hand was about building a nuclear power station not running it.
And btw those people that sit and watch monitors in the present coal or gas fired power plants are called "Unit Controllers/Operators" and most come from a trade background and hold all tickets relevant e.g. steam boiler tickets so they know what to do in an emergency.
The nuclear energy in nuclear power station does the same as coal or gas ...... it heats water to make steam.
Quote:Nuclear 101 - The water in the core is heated by nuclear fission and then pumped into tubes inside a heat exchanger. Those tubes heat a separate water source to create steam. The steam then turns an electric generator to produce electricity. The core water cycles back to the reactor to be reheated and the process is repeated.
We have plenty of people qualified to do that.
And I'm sure we can get or upskill people to be capable of monitoring the reactors.
So keep waffling BS - you nuclear troglodyte/luddite.