Captain Nemo wrote on Jul 24
th, 2024 at 11:25am:
Baronvonrort wrote on Jul 24
th, 2024 at 12:53am:
Captain Nemo wrote on Jul 18
th, 2024 at 10:35am:
Baronvonrort wrote on Jul 17
th, 2024 at 10:52pm:
Captain Nemo wrote on Jul 17
th, 2024 at 12:58am:
I reckon one shot from sniper which was second last the rest from offender.
Apart from one shot which was deeper tone the rest were all the same.
Listen to it- snipers use .300 Winchester Magnums which have around 75 Gr powder the .223 rem Ar uses around 25 Gr bigger bang from .300 win mag.
The pics i saw of offender show only one wound the back of his head was blown out. There was no blood anywhere else on his body it appears he was only hit once.
The last shot which happened a couple of seconds after it stopped could have been the offender. Sometimes animals twitch a couple of times after headshots he did have a semi auto so twitching while dead it's plausible he could have fired ar one more time if finger was near trigger.
I have seen other videos showing several bullets hitting rail on grandstand with someone in a white shirt falling in the background. Another video showed hydraulic line on forklift holding speakers being pierced spraying a cloud of hydraulic oil everywhere and fork lowering.
I have also read reports the father had 12 or 20 guns who knows which one to believe.
12 or 20 i would say he had a decent hunting rifle among them which had far better accuracy than Ar15.
I haven't seen anything that indicates the snipers fired more than 1 shot. It will be interesting to find out when the forensic evidence comes to light eventually.
Secret Service director tells congress snipers only fired one shot in this video. like i was right with this which makes slow response from snipers even worse
Only one shot?
How do they explain the multiple shots heard after the initial 3 shots that were heard?
Was it from the police near to the shooter?
When is there going to be a definitive report about the number of shots that the shooter got away?

There is one report that there were eight casings found.
I think I heard eight shots in total 3 then a pause so it is possible that he got away eight shots but where does the counter-sniper shot fit in?
Would it be nine shots heard?
Listen to the video again and count the shots.
Only 1 shot from sniper confirmed by Director of SS you can hear different sound with second last shot, the last shot is around 5 seconds later.
The multiple shots you heard were the offender they all sound the same.
The SS director told congress she knew how many cases were recovered from roof yet refused to answer question on how many. No answer is an answer to me.
The rifle used by sniper in 300 win mag which is Category B in Australia. reports coming out looks like a massive cock up Trump was lucky he missed.
The offender only has 1 gunshot hit looks like entry is above left eyebrow exit behind right ear. No other injuries noted or visible with offender.
Crooks fired eight times
Investigators believe that Crooks fired eight rounds before he was killed by counter-snipers, Paris said.
“I believe that the number is eight,” Paris told the committee. “Eight casings have been recovered.”
Officials had previously only confirmed that the shooter fired multiple times at the rally earlier this month.