August 14 ABC24 After 10AM, ABC News had a story of NASA giving Australia a task to build a moon robot soil sampler, within the story the word “ice” was used.
A Youtube video from Channel 9 doesn’t mention ice or water:,vid:xF_WOuZlSAU,st:0
Further down the web search page has a page stating the search for oxygen used. I assume once water has been found oxygen can be extracted, site below.
A number of engineering thinking people should realise all sides of the moon have been shined upon by the sun, the sun rotating around earth having a single side facing earth the side called the dark side on the moon because that dark side never faces earth, during eclipses the dark side of the moon face the sun.
Temperatures on the moon facing the sun are reported to reach 125 degrees Celsius. Water boils at 100 degrees Celsius on earth under earths sea level atmosphere pressure. Water boils into steam while in a vacuum. Both high temperature and zero atmosphere vacuum on the moon’s surface are good reasons to doubt the story of ice and or water on the moon’s surface to be truthful, I say are catching selective people’s attention that media are telling fake stories, for I recon a future “trust us, we know listeners know too much so we won’t mess listeners around” confidence scam as indicated in previous post.
Water boiling into steam maybe held by the moon’s gravity yet the process over millions of years surely water has escaped the moon’s surface, if H2O had ever existed.
Than there’s an idea that the moon’s inner core is constantly hot due to the sun radiation warming the moon’s surface and that the moon is surrounded by the vacuum of space, heat being difficult to escape the moon’s surface.
School education and the best engineering documentaries don’t prompt people to think instead provide fast spoken words often heard with loud music narrator’s version of remembering conclusions. People don’t think instead known memories are scanned for a single answer to a question as frequently experience in schools, if no answers are found, people move onto the next unrelated question to previous questions, similar to television quiz shows.
Another reminder of snow jobs deceptions:
ABC Media Watch program reports other news media providers contrived stories often unlabelled as lies, lies often being so obvious to easily expose, it must be mentioned that lies could be intentionally provided by exposed media to allow ABC Media Watch listeners to believe media are separate from each other that there’s no hidden single governing entity providing guidelines of what’s being told to audiences. As most everything being exposed by media to citizenry are not important to citizenry lives, important information like increased RBA interest rates causes increased inflation are never spoken of or fully or partially explained past the simple theory of reduced consumption lowers prices, ignoring why many shop front businesses have closed down, grocery prices and building materials have increased in price, Bonza and Rex airlines maybe suffering from increased interest rates increased cost of running airline businesses are the cause of they’re misfortune.
The CEO of Woolworths during the grocery Four Corners program who suddenly ended the interview appealing to ABC interviewer about interviewers questions, maybe little more than a scripted act, yet his complaints maybe why he was prevented from answering why grocery prices were increasing was because the RBA increased interest rates causing business costing to increase, his only explanation was that prices are calculated on costs of running the business not detailed explanation, the interviewer persisted in asking more questions.
An old confidence trick con people play on people are to talk to people about crime and criminals as though talking about such topics allowed listeners to believe confidence people were honest. Similar ideas talking about murders as unfortunate events. News media reporting: crime stories; Internet scams; murder stories of people audience don’t know… such easy stories to understand provide no intellectual knowledge, yet does provide ongoing subconscious memories of a least fearing fight and flight inner brain decision making caring society media. Add no new policy announcement short statement political speeches, opposition party criticises whom doesn’t criticise RBA interest rate increases fights inflation theory, all western advance economic countries follow RBA theory, I say real intelligent people capable of ignoring media confidence trickery propaganda should believe possible a world governing authority whom control world economies by controlling crude oil and shipping.
Countries: Iran; Russia are merely adding useful propaganda fear and reliance on governments to defend counties people live in, governments providing reasons to run military services after citizenry schooling ends, military training forced obedience to authority training, inner brain fight or flight human programming media news showing citizenry are constantly ready for war, reducing over populations, military service occupying manpower where manpower are not required to supply economic services.