SadKangaroo wrote on Aug 10
th, 2024 at 8:21am:
aquascoot wrote on Aug 10
th, 2024 at 4:44am:
Marla wrote on Aug 10
th, 2024 at 4:33am:
This is all you need to know....Yes that overweight lady is singing
Napolitan InstituteHarris 47% 46% Trump Harris +1
Ipsos Harris 42% 37% Trump Harris +5
The Economist Harris 45% 43% Trump Harris +2
ActiVote Harris 49% 44% Trump Harris +5
Morning Harris 48% 44% Trump Harris +4
for someone who pretends to be a hip young chickie babe, you seem more like a fat old male democrat operative then the haut tuah girl.
hows the office at the DMV
is the boss letting you have a car park for your prius
do you get health benefits with your lame chode job
Only scoot could be so hypocritical that he'll advocate for people avoiding welfare, pulling themselves up by their bootstraps and getting a job, then belittling someone for actually doing that and having a job because he can't stand toe to toe with them in a debate so he'll abandon all his previous ideals for a low blow.
Do we need yet another example that you stand for nothing other than trying to justify everything you do or believe as being the only true way, the "narrow path", even if it goes around in circles...
Now now, Sad, Aquascoot never said he favoured anybody lifting themselves up by joining the public service, or even worse, the Colorado Department of Revenue, Division of Motor Vehicles.
Aquascoot posts here to inspire us in the hope we abandon such chode existences as sitting at a desk all day, denying people's horse trailer licences and wasting their time because they haven't filled in the right forms which nobody informed him he had to complete in the first place, which resulted in a fine that he refuses to pay on principle, you can throw him in jail if you like.
Despicable stuff.
Aquascoot wants us to become millionaires, have hot babe wives and bounce out of bed each day with courageous plans and goals.
To help us achieve such a life, Aquascoot endorses the "noble Ron D" for prez.
Vote 1, leftards.
aquascoot says if you work at the DMV, do an awesome job, be of service to your customers, smile and create a great vibe. then you are a winner
dont be a butt hurt resentful hateful loser who "settles" for a job they hate and then has to numb the pain with pot and go online and unleash your inner demons in a spew of hate for people on the other side of the planet