aquascoot wrote on Aug 26
th, 2024 at 6:59pm:
Karnal wrote on Aug 26
th, 2024 at 6:49pm:
Bobby. wrote on Aug 26
th, 2024 at 6:12pm:
Karnal wrote on Aug 26
th, 2024 at 6:02pm:
Now you're playing doublethink. You can't keep going with these tactics, Bobby. We're here for you, we want to see you freed.
Your friends have come out, you need to start the process yourself. It's not hard, just say the words.
Read your Wayne Dyer.
A superior man like Trump bounces out of bed every morning with a plan for the day.
No, you need to confess, post it here.
DL's gonna lose. You stand with America and it's people. No more DLs,
no more fake news. We the people, united and free. No more bloated, celebrity billionaires, never again.
Aquascoot added the last one.
Now: say it.
fake news from now on will be the order of the day
who ever the big tech, big media , big pharma, big finance people decide is going to win, they are going to win
so , by logical extension, harris or any other politicians first duty is to THEM
without THEM, the politician ceases to exist.
play ball with those who control the entire message or they will f you over with fake news
its why trump, who refuses to be controlled , is at least, in some ways "his own man"
there are no others
be it harris or biden or indeed the next conservative, if they dont do exactly what big tech and the other big players tell them to do, they will just be presented in a negative light and their political careers will be over.
by virtue of the fact, they get elected, they are declaring themselves to be "brought off"
its why the only sensible thing for a citizen to do is
bounce out of bed and run your own race, and have as little to do with governments as possible,because the government is there , merely to extract value from YOU and hand it to the kingmakers
Harris just raked in $540 mil from the DNC convention. That's millions in small bills generated from enthusiasm alone: Joe Biden, the Obamas, Tim Walz, Karmala and your wife's hero, Oprah. racked up 30,573 lies in his first term alone, and he keeps on gushing. Lies like Europe doesn't pay for its own defence, so Putin should be free to invade.
Lies like the Dems are recruiting illegals to vote, when it's impossible to register without proof of citizenship.
Lies like crime is at levels we've never seen before, when it's down over 12% since 2020.
Lie after lie, which you willingly parrot without bothering to do a simple Google search.
Trump isn't refusing to be controlled. He offered Big Oil the chance to write his energy policy in return for a billion in campaign funds. He offered the same deal to Elon Musk - an electric vehicle manufacturer. He said the same to the Crypto Bros, and will probably say the same to the banks, deal after deal to do the exact opposite of what you're saying: publicly declaring himself willing to be "bought off".
You even used to praise him for this, advising him to spend all his time at the golf course and leave America in the capable hands of the corporates, "America Inc."
You then changed your tune. Trump is obese and bloated, you said, he deserves to get whacked out of the race. Trump or Karmala, you said. Who cares?
Your shifting views were a bit of a mystery until we worked out the pattern: your posts mirror whatever's in the News Corp headlines on any given day.
Fair enough, dear, but if you wanted to be "your own man", why would you blindly parrot the biggest propaganda outlet in world history?
Fake news is only the order of the day if the public chooses to buy it.
I'm guessing you have a subscription, yes?