Gordon has emerged from a dark fetid hole which resembles Satan's anus. ... Wait a minute. It was Satan's anus that Gordon emerged from.
Who is Gordon's owner?
Is Gordon the sinister, malicious, yarmulke guy?
Gordon has confessed to being complicit in sodomizing Palestinians with savage torture.
Gordon has confessed to being complicit in mass murder.
Gordon has confessed to being complicit in genocide.
Gordon's scrotum is as empty and saggy as his bag of propaganda.
Gordon is a liar.

Gordon's bag of facts, information, and evidence is as empty as his shriveled scrotum. Tallowood has no shortage in his bag of lies. The bag of lies is overflowing.
Gordon is complicit in genocide and crimes of occupation.
The yarmulke man's Ozpolitic stooges and associates are trying very hard to deflect and distract from the truth and the facts.
This is a case of terrorism against Australia by a yarmulke guy who may even be a foreign agent paid by sinister forces to terrorize Australians and cause Australians to be fearful in the presence of guys wearing yarmulkes, and to obey their demands including demands to support and participate in propaganda inciting genocide and inciting crimes of occupation.
Let us reprise this for those just joining the string.
Who is the yarmulke man? Where is the yarmulke man? Is the yarmulke man an Australian or a foreign agent?
Is the yarmulke man an employee of sinister entities associated with genocide?
A man wearing a yarmulke arrives at an Officeworks and asks for a laminated photocopy of an article to be provided. The Officeworks employee tells him she disagrees with the politics of the article he wants her to copy and laminate.
The man wearing the yarmulke shouts antisemitism, and religious discrimination, and his associates then mobilize world media to attack the woman and the business.
How was it a terror incident? It was contrived to cause Australians to fear people wearing yarmulkes that were hostile and argumentative. To cause a fear that Australians would be defamed, publicly shamed and humiliated, and ostracized for not agreeing to obediently comply with any wishes of an argumentative person wearing a yarmulke.
The Officeworks yarmulke incident was contrived to terrorize the Australian public and cause Australians to fear people wearing yarmulkes inciting conflict.
The incident had nothing to do with copying and laminating a newspaper article.
It was totally contrived as a publicity stunt with maximum coverage arranged before the incident to demonstrate that they should not disobey a person wearing a yarmulke or face terrorism like that waged against the Officeworks employee.
Why would someone wear a yarmulke to Officeworks to incite an act of terrorism over a propaganda news item he purportedly wanted copied and laminated? Why didn't he just go elsewhere instead of starting WW3? The key is that he was wearing a yarmulke. This terrorist and his associates had decided to target this woman and destroy her life in a wilful act of slander, defamation, and terrorism.
The Officeworks yarmulke incident was an act of terrorism against an Australian.
The presence of a yarmulke does not cancel the rights of Australians to justice and personal freedom or from being compelled against their will to do the bidding of hostile angry people in yarmulkes.
If the yarmulke guy just wanted photocopying and laminating he would not have worn a yarmulke to demonstrate his association with a particular ethnic group.
If the yarmulke guy just wanted photocopying and laminating he would would have gone elsewhere when refused service instead of starting WW3 by shouting accusations of antisemitism and accusations of religious discrimination and prejudice.
If the yarmulke guy just wanted photocopying and laminating he would not have had a multitude of his sinister associates use the influence of that ethnic group to turn this into a global media event.
The incident was planted all over the global media to cause Australians to fear acting contrary to the demands of people wearing yarmulkes.
The victim of the yarmulke guy was defamed and slandered and had their job threatened and received thousands of messages and threats from associates of the yarmulke guy.
The victim is reported to be 16 years old, a child by the standards of law.
This was a contrived terror plot to terrify this girl and to terrify the whole Australian population by extension and by the millions of the yarmulke guy's associates turning it into a global issue.
Will the yarmulke guy and his associates allow the victim to escape their grip?
The yarmulke guy and his associates targeted this person in order to terrorize her and to frighten the rest of Australian society into fearing yarmulke men yelling accusations of antisemitism and religious discrimination while waving propaganda newspapers extolling the virtue of genocide by Israeli Jews.
Why would a person wear a yarmulke to an Officeworks if it was not to incite a terror incident?
Why would a yarmulke man with a great number of associates and resources need to go to an Officeworks to print propaganda material if it was not to incite a terror incident?
Why would the yarmulke man start WW3 if his objective was to get some photocopies?
Why did the yarmulke man's numerous sinister associates have an army of media goons prepped to turn the incident globa