What are Russian spiritual and moral values?
This question is answered the Executive Order
On approving the Fundamentals of State Policy to Preserve and Strengthen Traditional Russian Spiritual and Moral ValuesNovember 12, 2022
4. Traditional values are the moral precepts shaping Russian citizens’ worldview, handed down from one generation to another and forming the foundation of Russia’s national civic identity and the country’s single cultural space, as well as reinforcing civic unity, and they are reflected in the unique and authentic spiritual, historical and cultural development path of Russia’s multi-ethnic people.
5. Traditional values include life, dignity, human rights and freedoms, patriotism, civic consciousness, service to the Fatherland and responsibility for its destiny, high moral ideals, strong families, productive labour, the primacy of the spiritual over corporeal, humanism, charity, justice, collectivism, mutual assistance and mutual respect, historical memory and the continuity of generations, as well as the unity of Russia’s peoples.
6. Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Judaism, and other religions which are an integral part of Russia’s historical and spiritual heritage have had a considerable influence on the emergence of the traditional values shared by believers and non-believers alike. The Orthodox faith has played a special role in the emergence and strengthening of traditional values.
13. Threats to traditional values come from extremist and terrorist organisations, some news media and communication platforms, the actions of the United States and other unfriendly foreign states, several transnational corporations and foreign NGOs, as well as the activities of some organisations and individuals in the territory of Russia.
14. Ideological and psychological influences on citizens are leading to the dissemination of a system of ideas and values that are alien to the Russian people and destructive for Russian society (hereinafter referred to as “destructive ideology”), such as the fostering of egoism, permissiveness and immorality, rejection of the ideals of patriotism, service to the Fatherland, the natural progression of life, the values of a strong family, marriage, raising multiple children, productive labour, and Russia’s positive contribution to global history and culture, as well as the erosion of the traditional family through the promotion of non-traditional sexual identities.
17. The dissemination of destructive ideology entails the following risks:
a) emergence of conditions for the self-destruction of society and the erosion of family, friendship and other social ties;
b) accelerated socio-cultural stratification, decline of the role of social partnership, and devaluation of the ideas of productive labour and mutual assistance;
c) damage to the moral health of the people, imposition of concepts that disregard human dignity and the value of human life;
d) promotion of antisocial behaviour, dissolute lifestyles, permissiveness and violence, growing alcoholism and drug addiction;
e) emergence of a society that rejects spiritual and moral values;
f) distortion of historical truth and erosion of historical memory;
g) rejection of Russian authenticity, weakening of the national civic identity and cohesion of the multi-ethnic Russian people, development of conditions for interethnic and interfaith conflicts;
h) erosion of confidence in government institutions, discreditation of the idea of service to the Fatherland, and development of a negative attitude to military service and government service in general.