~It is Christmas Week and I had intended to set aside the daily horrors until Boxing Day at least, but this story is too telling to ignore. From The New York Post:
A Guatemalan migrant has been arrested for allegedly lighting a sleeping subway rider on fire in Brooklyn on Sunday morning — then watching as his innocent victim burned to death in what the police commissioner called "one of the most depraved crimes one person could possibly commit."
This poor woman is dead because she made the mistake of using public transit in the most famous and glittering city of the global hyperpower. We will publish her name as soon as it is made public. Possibly she is also a "Guatemalan migrant", or Haitian, or Somali or Afghan...
I have not set foot in New York since the Covid lockdown, and doubt I ever will again. But the last time I was there I remember strolling up Fifth Avenue and thinking how bored I was by
the default setting of every city west of, oh, Bratislava - the way everybody under fifty seems to come from somewhere else.
But diversity is not just boring, it's also, alas, murderous. Diversity is where nations go to die - and, as in Brooklyn on a Sunday morning, sometimes in the most horrible way.
Yet, if you ride the New York subway or go to a German Christmas market or drop your children at a Taylor Swift-themed dance class in Merseyside, the more obvious problem is that the "rules-based national order" is breaking down - is kaput, in fact. It doesn't get more basic than the right to ride the subway without being set alight by a "migrant" and having to watch your killer sit there enjoying it.
The "rules-based international order" derives from the Peace of Westphalia, all of whose signatories (France, Sweden, Austria, the Netherlands) are now diversity dumps. Mass migration destroys everything - affordable housing, your local grade school, citizenship ...and ultimately the nation itself. Back in the 1640s, France was full of Frenchmen, Sweden full of Swedes, and those are distinct entities with distinct interests that can be negotiated. A sovereign state requires a recognisable citizenry. America in 1970 was ninety per cent white and ten per cent black. In 2045 - or the distance from George W Bush to now - it will become minority white. White Americans under eighteen are already a minority. Whether or not that is desirable, it is certainly not normal, absent brutal conquest or a ravaging pandemic.
And yet it has happened. And so there are Guatemalans with pocket lighters on the New York subway.
There is a reason coherent states have not attempted this mad experiment before - because societies are not meant to live like this. But the same wankers who think it's cool to interfere in some rinky-dink Romanian election think that, in a globalised world, tribalised nations of hostile identity groups requiring an ever more powerful state to mediate their interests suits them just fine.
I shall postpone my call for bloody violent revolution until after the season of peace on earth and goodwill to all men - if not to women who have the misfortune to be at the Coney Island subway stop.