John Smith wrote on Sep 17
th, 2024 at 6:12pm:
greggerypeccary wrote on Sep 17
th, 2024 at 5:48pm:
Nothing in that unreferenced allegation about "the police admit they were told not to investigate these sex offenses due to fears of islamophobia."
Keep trying.
I'm beginning to suspect houseboy has trouble reading the words in front of him.
You are both despicable, malicious liars. Once again.
Nothing new there.
The Independent Office for Police Conduct (IOPC) upheld six complaints against South Yorkshire Police by a woman abused as a child for several years, starting in 2003.
According to a leaked report seen by PA and first reported by The Times, the watchdog said it was 'very clear that you were sexually exploited by Asian men' and found police were aware of suspects but 'took insufficient action to prevent you from harm'.
The woman's mother complained that South Yorkshire Police 'would not listen and left you in dangerous situations, letting people do what they wanted and they never questioned anybody about what was happening,' the report said.
The IOPC upheld the complaint that the force was aware of suspects involved in her exploitation and failed to act, leaving her with people who were grooming the teenager.
The woman called for action to be taken against South Yorkshire Police, including potential criminal charges.
'They've always been complicit in what happened, we've seen perpetrators get done, so why are they any different? They've aided and abetted abuse,' she said.
In a second investigation included in the report, the woman's father said an officer referred to grooming as 'P*** shagging' when he phoned the police to discuss his concerns about his daughter.
The officer, who was unable to be identified, was also found to have said 'with it being Asians, we can't afford for this to be coming out' and commented that the abuse had happened for 30 years. story of rampant child abuse—ignored and abetted by the police—is emerging out of the British town of Rotherham. Until now, its scale and scope would have been inconceivable in a civilized country. Its origins, however, lie in something quite ordinary: what one Labour MP called "not wanting to rock the multicultural community boat." report from Greater Manchester Police has revealed that law enforcement authorities in Oldham, a British town to the northeast of Manchester, failed to protect youth from Pakistani grooming gangs.
Arrested and ignored: The ordeal of grooming gang victims at hands of authorities there to protect them