Nah - cover-up and ordered not to investigate for fear of upsetting ethnic 'sensitivities' **interprets** don't disturb their normal cultural things like abuse of young women etc... they might get angry and riot and burn... kill and maim ... stand over and bully others to get their way ... and worst of all - they might change their votes!!
Reverse Boat People Policy - if either they or their parents were not born here, and they commit serious crime without changing their ways - put 'em back on the 'boat people' boats and ship 'em all out to anywhere they can make landfall. Pack your single bag, sonny - you're on the next boat.... but you have the option of relocation to Aborassic Park to learn the native traditional ways among fellow miscreants and those who refuse to assimilate ........

... this is Australia 2024 - not 1787 Madarabland or whatever...
We all know who predominates in crime here.... street wars, drugs, woman killing etc...... grow some balls and ship 'em all out...
Wait a minute... if the Arbros only have a 'spiritual connection with the land' and don't Own it... why do they try to drive others off it as if they own it? Put that one aside for a moment - too hard for the hardened idiotologues here... and elsewhere including in parliaments. Which reminds me - poor little Bill - never had the chance to put away any savings for when he resigned from politics.... tough life on meagre income that ... so he has to go 'super' as well as copping his $1.8m for a farcical 'job'.
So many issues - so little time - so much dead wood to drag along behind the riverboat... never saw the good side of a city 'til I hitched a ride on a river boat queen...