Brian Ross wrote on Dec 3
rd, 2024 at 8:20pm:
What are you terrified of, Soren? What scares you so much that you feel the need to continually mouth off in a Xenophobic way against migrants all the time? Let me guess, you're frightened that your children might fall in love with a non-White immigrant. You might be forced to disown your own children 'cause they don't agree with your Racist attitudes. Oh, what a shame, what a WOFTAM. Such a silly sausage. Tsk, tsk, tsk...
Just yawn. Makes you appear smarter. When you do say anything else you just show what a moronic cockwomble you are.
Just be yourself. Don't say anything, just yawn.
Right now, the west is undergoing conquest. As one population declines, so another rises. As Japan and South Korea and the peoples of Europe exit the stage, so Islam and sub-Saharan Africa make up a greater percentage of global population - and, in Europe and His Majesty's dominions, a greater percentage of the local population.
Pick a Muslim country you'd like to be like. If you don't want to be like any Muslim country, the alternatives are not pretty.
In 2006 a paper published by the Vienna Institute of Demography reported that in Austria "if current fertility trends remain constant, Islam could represent the majority religion for those below fifteen years of age in 2051".
2051 seemed a long way off back then. Not so much on the brink of 2025. "Current fertility trends" have, if anything, advanced a little in Islam's favour. Polls regularly show some two-thirds of Austrians want all immigration from majority Muslim countries to cease, and, in a supposedly democratic age, they vote for parties willing at least to make sympathetic noises on that front - more sympathetic noises than Gatekeeper Farage is willing to make. And yet there are no public policy changes, Islam has advanced from 0.3 per cent of the Austrian population in 1971 to just under ten per cent now, and almost half the available time between 2006 and 2051 has elapsed.
All this in a land that not so long ago was ninety per cent Catholic. But "not so long ago" is another country. I distilled it into a joke that always got a laugh on the after-dinner doom-monger circuit:
Salzburg, 1938, singing nuns, Julie Andrews — 'How do you solve a problem like Maria?'
Salzburg, 2038: How do you solve a problem like sharia?
I don't do that gag anymore, partly because it's no longer quite so funny as it was twenty years ago, and partly because, well before 2038, the Austrian authorities, like Nigel and others throughout Europe, have decided that the real problem is not sharia but just a few glitches in managing the transition.
One recalls the briefly famous case in which an Iraqi "refugee" raped a ten-year-old boy because of what his counsel called "a sexual emergency" (he had not gotten any action for four months). The Austrian Supreme Court reversed the conviction on the grounds that the prosecution had entered no evidence to suggest the perp was aware the ten-year-old boy did not "consent".
In civilised societies, a ten-year-old cannot consent to anal rape. The boy himself was physically damaged by the encounter and reported to be suicidal. But, as a subsequent Supreme Court jurist put it, for the rapist it was a "one-off incident" and it was important "not to lose your sense of proportion". Whatever problem it may once have had with sharia, the Austrian judiciary has artfully solved.
The "one-off incidents" have proliferated since then, in France, Sweden, Germany, Your Country Here ...and the state's standard operating procedure has hardened, which is why Sir Keir's Starmtroopers will throw you in gaol for noticing it.
We are turning into bleephole countries before our eyes. is what turning into a bleephole country LOOKS like:

I go to Europe every year, I see the change.