John Smith wrote on Aug 25
th, 2024 at 4:29pm:
8 years in govt was enough for Labor in the NT, it was time they went. They didn't do enough to curb crime and paid the price.
But if anyone thinks this has any bearing on Albo you're kidding yourselves.
Labor is on the nose everywhere ... including Albo & his dumb policy on migration & the failed Voice.
And each Labor State is going down the voice by stealth path with their Treaties/truth telling policy BS.
So if you think this has nothing to do with the Federal Labor Govt you're dreaming.
There are 15 QLD towns & cities now under threat of inalienable freehold native title claim ... they are in the photo attachment.
And I don't know who researched the population numbers but for where I live they quote the population of the city at 15,287 ....
that was the population when I moved here in 1973 .... 51 years ago.
You require a population of 25,000 to be considered an independent city.
It's been more than that for decades.
It currently stands at 28,532 ..
& as Maryborough & Hervey Bay are now under control of one Council - the Fraser Coast - the combined population is 118,505 - 89,976 living in Hervey Bay.
So these population figures are totally incorrect/misleading bullshyte.
Thats like saying the population of the Gold Coast today(if under threat of Native Title like in the article ...was 99,000/ 1973)
its population now is 743,000.
6 of the 15 towns/cities mentioned are in my immediate shire or no more than the the adjoining shire away.