Grappler Truth Teller Feller wrote on Sep 10
th, 2024 at 10:29pm:
Anyone can register to go, can even get free tickets as the event gets closer and they have empty seats, similar to a Trump rally so the attendee numbers are higher, but they still encourage you to donate.
It's all about PR.
And telling you how to vote, without exactly telling you so they don't fall foul of the AEC.
I've been to one of their events before, it's exactly what you'd expect. During the mingling afterwards, when the cameras aren't rolling you hear their real opinions about LGBTQ+, Indigenous Australians, other faiths and the gender roles in society.
And the guy thought he was in a friendly room, let his bigotry slip out, and now is trying to hide behind religion to justify it.
It's only those who are also bigoted who are jumping to this man's defence and trying to paint him as the victim because it's what they always do to justify their own hate.
Knee jerk reactions and all...