wombatwoody wrote on Sep 8
th, 2024 at 6:07pm:
freediver wrote on Sep 8
th, 2024 at 9:47am:
Israel wants peace.
Bullcrap. Any Israeli leader who attempts to make peace is assassinated, like former PM Yitzhak Rabin.
Quote:Unfortunately, Palestinians want to slaughter Jews. This is not Israel's fault. The Palestinians are just following Muhammad's example.
How many times must I show that is not true, before you will finally understand it?
Many times I've shown how
Arabs and Jews lived in peace for centuries and centuries.The trouble started with Zionism. Past tense.

Zionism is not a problem nor the problem.
Changing it's true meaning to one of insult & a derogatory term is what the problem is ... & guess who is doing that ... besides you?
Quote: Zionism is at its essence a movement advocating for the Jewish people’s right to self-determination.
Whether Jews were fleeing the Nazis in Europe, Arab dictatorships in the Middle East, or brutal crackdowns in Ethiopia, Zionism has always dedicated itself to preserving the lives and freedoms of Jews around the world.
The Zionist movement strives to provide the Jewish people a place in their historical homeland, where they can seek refuge from all types of persecution.
Zionism means supporting a country built by refugees and immigrants, a country which provides full rights for women and LGBT+ citizens, a country the size of New Jersey that has created more medical and technological advancements than nearly any other, the Middle East’s strongest democracy, Israel.
On campus however, Zionism has a very different meaning and connotation.
Identifying as a Zionist often results in being cursed at and told that you are not welcome on campus.
It can also lead to hate filled accusations of racism, fascism, genocide, or whatever else protestors can rhyme together.
Although Zionists are few and far in between on campuses across the country, this is not a result of animosity towards the Zionist ideology, but a lack of exposure to what Zionism really means.
What being a Zionist does not mean is supporting everything the Israeli government does, or everything Benjamin Netanyahu says.
There is no standardized political position held by all Zionists nor should there be.
You don’t support the construction of settlements in the disputed territories of the West Bank?
Great, you can still be a Zionist.
You believe that there should be a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict? Wonderful, we’d love to hear your ideas.
Zionism does not advocate for the prioritization of Jewish citizens over Arab citizens of Israel or the separation of the two groups, but rather, strives for the Jewish people to have the basic right to coexist in peace.
Zionism is a movement dedicated to giving my [highlight]family and millions of others the basic right of self determination. It catalyzed the rebirth of the Jewish people from the ashes of the Holocaust,
advocated for people like my grandparents who were trapped in the Soviet Union, and gave my family a home in Israel where they were treated as full citizens for the first time.
To us, Israel symbolizes all that was lost and found, cried over and celebrated, saved and destroyed across the precarious journey of the Jewish people until their return home and the ultimate fulfillment of the Zionist dream.
If you support the right of families like mine to control their own futures, you’re already a Zionist. Author - Eliav Terk.
to that land than the native Palestinians.
UN Resolution 3379, adopted on 10 November 1975, "Determines that Zionism is a form of racism and racial discrimination" - later revoked under Zionist pressure.