mothra wrote on Sep 14
th, 2024 at 4:04am:
What, aside from tenuous suggestion, do you think you've revealed here?
I don't think it's what you think it is.
But i really don't expect you to get that.
You're reading in again as usual....... WHAT do you imagine I've 'revealed' here? Another outstanding positive contribution to discussion by methra - straight for the knee on the throat of the messenger.
I'm just the humble messenger of media reports ... you seem to do a hell of a lot of reading between the lines.... mostly that's empty space.... sounds apt...
I'll tell you one thing here out of all this - the fact that the 'court' gave The Deuce extra time leans towards that 'court' feeling that he has a good case, and that Lee was out of line..... slowly grinds the law .... sometimes it actually gets things right, and even more rarely, corrects a grave wrong.
Where's Aussie? He's been no good for anything since he had his ass handed to him over the actions of the 'security' staff at PH on The Night. Methinks he read that book 'A Civil Action' - where the defence lawyer just objected to everything to disrupt the flow and cause an appearance that there was no case for the claimant.
Oh, no - the security staff weren't wrong.... just totally went against their duties.... apparently half-naked sheilas in PH are a common sight... oh, look - there goes another one..... apparently late night assignations are common as horse dust at a race track... nothing to see there.... don't rock the boat and request that the cops down the corridor look at this - it'll mean your job!!
Hello? Is Australia awake yet? But then - Methra ain't Australian... nur ein weiterer jammernder Engländer!