aquascoot wrote on Sep 12
th, 2024 at 5:19am:
why are the left so violent?
is it their frustration at having no cash and no pussy ?
I'm sure they get 'pussy' - the question becomes is that QUALITY pussy or just ships passing in the night? They'd get pussy for being trendy and onside with the Wankels.... softcocks who kiss pussy's nuts and bow to the almighty skirt get the lower quality... the Albos etc of the world with their total dedication so raising the arse to the feminists etc ... while the REAL men, who may have to endure the traditional droughts... always get the quality in the end.
Would YOU borrow a used pussy from a (gasps) feminist? With all that entails? ... meaning servitude for life.. without Pa having a role in it, too....
Those kinds learn late in life that they have sold their soul for any piece of pussy that wets itself by condemning Jews and such... hating on men... loving anything an Abo wants.... jumping up and down at a demo and screeching without inhibitions, breaking down all the social barriers, is the modern equivalent of dancing, which was once held to be the greatest aphrodisiac for women.... dancing with the devil is more appetising than dancing with mere men..... a greater high, man ... and more bang for your bucking ass... it's like screaming for the Beatles once was - incomprehensible other than in the context of letting down inhibitions.... so demonstration sheilas, handled right, will give out the Golden after the event, being all worked up.
Would you seriously entertain that as a life partner? Go for it ... very basic animal breeding behaviour...