Gnads wrote on Oct 31
st, 2024 at 5:46am:
KangAnon wrote on Oct 28
th, 2024 at 2:48pm:
Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on Oct 28
th, 2024 at 2:26pm:
Land Grabs are part of the voice - the voice was the grease to smooth the pathway, and was the first part of the thrust - the spearpoint.
The Voice proposal
sought to establish a constitutionally enshrined Indigenous Advisory Body to Parliament.Crucially, legislative authority would remain with the Government; the Voice was advisory, not legislative.
The suggestion that the Voice relates to "land grabs" is a misrepresentation. These issues are entirely distinct.
Yet you persist in conflating them, exploiting the recent referendum rejection of the Voice to stoke unfounded fears. You seek to smear every Indigenous issue you find objectionable by linking it to the Voice, spinning a narrative of "stealth implementation" as though the outcome of the referendum should delegitimise unrelated Indigenous concerns.
Let’s be clear: this narrative is a fabrication. You've been exposed in this distortion, even going as far as to redefine the Voice to suit your agenda.
The facts are unambiguous and they are not in your favour. Persisting in these misrepresentations, even a year later, will not make them true.
Get with it, as they say, slick.
Why? why when they have hundreds & more advisory bodies?
Why would we need a "race based" advisory body enshrined in our constitution?
That's one of the main reasons the Voice went down.
I'm not here to advocate for The Voice. The people spoke, and they said No—case closed.
What remains is a pervasive issue: dishonest actors like Crappler consistently distort the discussion. They conflate every Indigenous-related matter they find unpalatable, such as Land Rights and Native Title, with The Voice. This is a deliberate misrepresentation, crafted to falsely suggest these issues were also rejected by the referendum.
Let’s clarify, once and for all, for those insistent on peddling deceit. The referendum concerned a constitutional amendment to enshrine an Indigenous advisory body, meant to provide counsel to the government of the day. It was a single, well-defined issue.
This vote was not about Native Title, not about where to place onions on a Bunnings snag, nor about which sporting code reigns supreme. It was one matter, clearly articulated.
Yet some of the more shameless, deceitful characters among us have resorted to redefining “The Voice” as a catch-all for issues they disagree with to get around this obvious truth. This is nothing but a transparent, desperate attempt to manipulate the narrative to suit their agenda of the day.
Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on Jul 11
th, 2024 at 11:35pm:
The Voice is now the generic term for the coup attempt to install Aboriginal Supremacism.... everything evolves..... and everything is lumped under one title for convenience....
But all that did was serve to further undermine them and expose what they were trying to do.
So, there is no need to defend or attack the idea of the voice, it's done, the people voted.
Quote:What continues to happen with land grabs & the talk of Truth(s) telling, treaties and reparations all came out of the Uluru statement and so did the concept of the Voice.
Therein lies the fabrications.
So woke leftoid moronicmarsupial it's you who needs to get with it, stop your virtue signaling ..... because you're definitely not slick.
I'll grant you this: at least you recognise that The Voice was one element of the Uluru Statement. The referendum was a vote on The Voice alone, not on the entire Uluru Statement. The Government, having committed to the Uluru Statement as part of its electoral mandate, should therefore pursue the remaining elements.
This is not “The Voice by stealth.” If anything, think of it as “The Uluru Statement by openness.”
You're free to object to the other elements of the Uluru Statement. However, don’t misrepresent these initiatives as “The Voice,” nor deceive by suggesting they were already voted down in the referendum. Reality has a way of catching up with those who twist it to fit their narrative.
A lesson the certain tantrum-throwing malcontents among us would do well to heed.