Jasin wrote Yesterday at 3:51pm:
Germany attacking Jews was the wrong thing.
France not attacking Moslems is the wrong thing.
Brian the big tuff soldier boy is to chicken shyte to do his job and deal with the Moslems.
Like France, ALP and Democrats - cowards.
Jasin is another rejector of international law, who has decided he can't respond to the issues I raised in the 'Western culture' thread.
Yes, Hitler's antisemitism was insane, and France tolerating Muslim terrorism is regretable.
And Biden - a Democrat, complicit in the ongoing slaughter in Gaza - shows a 'no limits' support for Israel.
Which gets us back to
international law, in this case UN res. 181, and why it was never implemented.
Interestingly, Trump is thinking of implementing his own version of 'internationl law' based on America First(!) ; today he said he would not rule out the use of force to acquire the Panama canal and Greenland. (as one comentator said, you can't buy free nations).
The US SHOULD be a party to implementing international law, in this case, UN res. 181, using its vote in the UNSC.
Bur like Jasin, the US doesn't abide by international law.
The reason?
It revolves around the notion of national 'sovereignty'.
National sovereignty is said to be based on the consent of the nation's citizens; but in a democracy, only 50%+1 of the citizens are required to grant 'consent' for the government to rule, according to the nation's Constitution. (In China, consent for the CCP to rule is granted by the Constitution)
The fly in the ointment is citizens' own desires for as much personal autonomy/"freedom" as possible; in its extreme form we see the notion of "sovereign citizens" who reject the legality of rule of law.
The same applies to implentation of international law, ie, individual nation demand the right to act in their own perceived interests, ensuring that war remains the ultimate method of dispute settlement, even in the age of MAD.
We have a problem.
Now, not all Muslims are fundamentalists, and obviously it would be much better if
Muslim governments (as opposed to fundamentalist 'sovereign citizens' acting on their perception of the "Law of God', abided by rule of international law instead.
And much better if the US and Israel abided by rule of international law as well.
But it's going to be rough for all Palestinians, both innocent and guilty, if Trump follows though with his promise "all hell will result" if the hostages aren't freed when he becomes President in a fornight's time.
Deplorable; he could impose UN res 181 on the warring parties, since the other members of the UNSC are already on board with UN res 181. (the UNSC possesses 99% of the world's latest military technology, it would be suicidal for individuals or nations to oppose the UNSC acting with one voice in the servioe of international law.
I suspect Brian, defending Islam as a faith, is not aware of the issues surrounding 'sovereign' citizens, national 'sovereignty ', and
international law either, which is why the Conservatives here are having a field day piling onto Brian.i