Frank wrote Today at 11:08am:
The UN cannot implement anything. It can only resolve, endorse or censure- talk.
You uneducable, blind RW ideologue, I already explained why the UN was crippled at its inception,
and failed its first test i ie, the creation of 2 new states via a majority vote by the UN.
Quote:Only actual member states can implement - ie act beyond talking.
And requiring UNSC backing.....
Quote:The Jews in p amended their side of 181 by declaring Israel and then defending it and then making an actual, functioning country.
It was the job of the UN,
not Israel, to "p ammend", ie implement UN res 181, as per one of the UN's earliest resolutions. The UN failed, resulting in ongoing war ever since.
And only the UN could have
partitioned the Palestine Mandate legally, because there was no process before the UN whereby Jews could take Palestine Mandate territory without using force.
So the Jews took their UN-designated part of the Palestine Mandate by force anyway, because the UN was powerless to implement UN res 181 and stop the war.