I was previously a member of "Debatepolitics" but they had some technical problem which wrecked their cookies. I tries three times, after which I concluded the didn't really want me.
The forum before that, I was hunted down by moderators for being a pedophile (which is technically true.) Moderators never actually said it, but from the user side it was pretty obvious.
The same thing probably just happened on the forum I'm leaving. Word got around and the word was the poisonous one "Pedophile."
Now I don't expect anyone to forget my confession. I have a character fault (sexual attraction to young girls) and I will talk about if it's relevant.
But I'd like to be judged by my conduct. I'm sometimes combative, but I fight fair. When some point interests me, I will put in time to research and I also make lists and tables for others to judge for themselves. If I'm proven wrong, I am gracious about it instead of muddying the waters.
If you can forgive my character fault, I think you'll find me good company.
We thank you for your honesty, wether you are just trolling for sick fun and reactions or not.
But you should know that by your honest and I will add, honourable admission towards doing the right thing. That there is a big difference between being a Paedophile and being an Ex-Paedophile.
The fact that you admit that you still are, shows us that you still think its 'ok' to commit not just a legal crime, but in essence a wrong-doing/behaviour in so many other ways.
Thus, you really don't deserve any lee-way or acceptance here.
bad is making a mistake, but learning from it not to do it again.
EVIL is knowing its wrong, but being happy to keep doing it.
So, besides you just being another Peccary-sock-puppet trying to Trump up his Trolling failures?I would have to put my hand up and say that you should be
AUTOMATICALLY BANNED INDEFINITELY FROM THIS FORUM.No Lefty victimhood card to use. No 'second chance' (because you are not an 'ex' paedophile).
You should really put yourself in solitary confinement for about 5 years for a total 'cleansing' by
SENSORY/STIMULATION DEPRIVATION. There, you might come back out having forgotten who you were and why you went in, in the first place. Cured!