Yep, ....on the way to hell, in a hand-basket.,
Q.Why doesn't Australia cut off relations with Pakistan ?
Q.Why doesn't Australia CLOSE OUR EMBASSY in Pakistan ?
We, are wicked people bobby.
Yadda said....
IMO, if we join what is precious with what is vile, we do not in that act, 'improve' that which is vile.
We merely corrupt that which is precious.....
I have two buckets.
The first bucket is full of clean, fresh water.
The second bucket is full of sewage.
If i pour both buckets into a third container, what do i get?
A third container, full of diluted sewage.
While i could safely drink from the 1st bucket, i could *not* safely drink from the 2nd bucket, or the 3rd container.
So it is with evil, that is 'tolerated' by good people.
No matter how many times we repeat the phrase, "Tolerance is good.",
...our tolerance of what is clearly evil, is not a virtue.
It is a process, a progression.
GOOD, AND EVIL....Whenever we choose to become tolerant of evil [in our midst] [ungodly values], it is certain, as night follows day, that we ourselves, will become evil.
If we are tolerant of what is clearly evil, it is because we now ARE evil.
When we embrace the concept of 'tolerance', but what we are prepared to tolerate is clearly evil,
...we become those, who are evil, OURSELVES.
Our 'tolerance' of evil, is not tolerance.
It is (a) wickedness.