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Jihad against the Jews (Read 6043 times)
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Re: Jihad against the Jews
Reply #15 - Sep 30th, 2024 at 3:57pm
Israel doesn't use any Australian made weapons.

Our contract for F35 parts is with Lockheed Martin if Israel needs spare parts they don't call us they call LM.

We don't fund Israel we have given over $92.5 million to Palestine since they started this war nearly a year ago.

When you march with terrorists in our streets you're supporting Islamic terrorism.

This terrorist supporter thinks we're a legitimate target based on lies from bearded nutjobs who preach Islam

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Leftists and the Ayatollahs have a lot in common when it comes to criticism of Islam, they don't tolerate it.
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Re: Jihad against the Jews
Reply #16 - Sep 30th, 2024 at 4:05pm
Goldie Ghamari, MPP | گلسا قمری

An Islamic Regime Mullah, Mostafa Karami, who regularly speaks on behalf of the terrorist Islamic Regime in Iran, just said that Israel was successful in eliminating Nasrallah & Hezbollah because "Jews use genies for military operations."🧞

I'm not joking.


Reports coming in Khamenei has asked France and Lebanon to ask Israel for permission to land a plane in Lebanon to pick up Nasrallahs body.
If this is true it's good news it shows Iran fears Israel

I doubt Iran is going to respond their dictator has been moved to a secure location, like most Islamic leaders he is probably hiding underground somewhere.

The Bunker Nasrallah was in was over 100ft deep the colour of the soil matches colour in smoke cloud from explosions.

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Leftists and the Ayatollahs have a lot in common when it comes to criticism of Islam, they don't tolerate it.
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Re: Jihad against the Jews
Reply #17 - Sep 30th, 2024 at 10:27pm
Yemen fires long range missile into Israel

Israel shoots down missile and responds.

Israel is cleaning the Middle East of terrorists, and today, the Houthis in Yemen are the ones finding out

Video here-
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Leftists and the Ayatollahs have a lot in common when it comes to criticism of Islam, they don't tolerate it.
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Re: Jihad against the Jews
Reply #18 - Sep 30th, 2024 at 10:51pm
World: A Lesson in Lebanon

May 2, 1969

Any settlement in the Middle East depends as much on the Palestinian fedayeen commandos as on the Arab countries and Israel. Operating virtually as a separate state within the Arab lands, the fedayeen are powerful and popular enough to threaten any Arab leader inclined toward peace with Israel with the specter of popular revolt. Last week the point was driven home to Arabs everywhere by a violent show of Palestinian power that brought about the fall of the government of tiny Lebanon.

Anxious to avoid Israel’s wrath, Lebanon had long tried to keep the fedayeen from staging raids across its mountainous southeastern border. The 15,000-man Lebanese army proved incapable of the task. It settled for insisting that the guerrillas not carry arms in Lebanon—which often meant the army carried their weapons for them. Two weeks ago, even that slight restraint was brushed aside when an eight-man Lebanese patrol stopped a group of Al-Fatah commandos a mile from the Israeli border. One guerrilla opened fire, wounding all eight Lebanese.

But the 160,000 Palestinian refugees living in Lebanon felt differently. Near Sidon, 11,000 of them stormed out of their camp, demanding full freedom of action for the fedayeen. They overran police barricades and stoned security forces. The troops fired on the demonstrators, killing three.

The riots rapidly spread to Beirut and every sizable city in Lebanon, growing in numbers and fury with the support of student sympathizers and opposition political parties. Premier Rashid Karami vainly pleaded by telephone with Fatah Commander Yasser Arafat in Amman, asking him to appeal to the demonstrators to stop. Arafat refused, on the grounds that they were not under his orders. Meanwhile, the Cairo-based Voice of Al-Fatah was broadcasting instructions that urged “the Arab masses” to prevent Lebanese “counterrevolutionary forces” from “stabbing the revolution in the back.

Karami decreed a state of emergency, and the army slapped a curfew on seven Lebanese cities where disturbances had occurred. The casualty toll rose to 17 dead and 150 wounded as demonstrations broke out anew, and both pro-and anti-fedayeen forces pressed the Premier to take a stand. “The government can not take any side without splitting the country,” said Karami, abruptly submitting his resignation. That presented President Charles Helou with the task of finding someone to form a government of “national unity” to end the unrest.But the only way to accomplish that would be for the new government to endorse freedom of action for the fedayeen, at least in principle, drawing Lebanon inexorably into the conflict with Israel.

Enemy Within. The lesson of Lebanon could not be lost on other Arab leaders, who increasingly have reason to view the fedayeen as an enemy within. When Jordan’s King Hussein outlined a six-point peace plan during his visit to Washington three weeks ago, and suggested that it would also be acceptable to the Palestinians, five fedayeen groups issued a joint statement in Beirut repudiating every point.

More here-

Lebanon was a christian majority country before they let Palestinians in.

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Leftists and the Ayatollahs have a lot in common when it comes to criticism of Islam, they don't tolerate it.
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Re: Jihad against the Jews
Reply #19 - Oct 1st, 2024 at 4:26pm
Baronvonrort wrote on Sep 30th, 2024 at 10:27pm:
Yemen fires long range missile into Israel

Israel shoots down missile and responds.

Israel is cleaning the Middle East of terrorists, and today, the Houthis in Yemen are the ones finding out

Video here-

Breaking: Reports from Houthi-controlled Yemen indicate that all three power stations have been completely destroyed by Israel's 🇮🇱 attack yesterday.

For the foreseeable future, Houthi-controlled Yemen will be totally out of electricity, i.e., back to medieval age.

Yemen fires missiles at Israel who respond by turning power off in Yemen.

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Leftists and the Ayatollahs have a lot in common when it comes to criticism of Islam, they don't tolerate it.
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Re: Jihad against the Jews
Reply #20 - Oct 2nd, 2024 at 12:08am
A video by Harris Sultan an Australian ex muslim from Pakistan.

Compare what ex muslims like Harris say about muslims doing Jihad against Israel to what you hear from muslims and their morally bankrupt woke leftist supporters.

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Leftists and the Ayatollahs have a lot in common when it comes to criticism of Islam, they don't tolerate it.
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Re: Jihad against the Jews
Reply #21 - Oct 2nd, 2024 at 2:57pm
181 Ballistic missiles launched from Iran into Israel overnight.
It would be the largest ballistic missile attack on another country and perhaps the only one can't recall if Saddam launched Scuds at Israel in first Iraq war.

One conformed death a Palestinian in the West Bank killed by falling Iranian rocket
Video here-

Iran doesn't know where these missiles will land chanting Allahu Akbar at launch isn't a guidance system.

Israel does know where these missiles will land they understand the physics of projectile motion better than most which is why they can shoot them down.

Israel doesn't shoot down missiles that land in the open or in the ocean they only shoot down the ones that can hit something of value.
A school was hit it was after hours no students or teachers there not worth wasting a missile on.
Lots of missiles landed in open areas it was night no lights on where they landed.
They use David Sling and Arrow for ballistic missiles with iron dome for smaller rockets.

These were the best Iranian missiles they were ineffective which shows Iran really has nothing.
As FD said the impotence of muslims should never be misraken for lack of intent.

Knocking off the turbans of Islamic regime clerics has become a national sport in Iran!

No one hates the Islamic regime more than the Iranian people. Iran will soon be free!

The flag carried by Iranians will let you know which side they're on. If it has the Lion with rising sun they're the good guys if it's the other one they're nutjobs who support barbaric Islamic regime.

Israel has the right to defend itself against Iran this is the second attack they have done using ballistic missiles.

The Jews change the lyrics of a beach boys song. Smiley
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Leftists and the Ayatollahs have a lot in common when it comes to criticism of Islam, they don't tolerate it.
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Re: Jihad against the Jews
Reply #22 - Oct 3rd, 2024 at 10:59pm
Translated from Hebrew by Google

In Lebanon they claim that this video is the moment of the elimination of Nasrallah .. Watch it really very interesting
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Leftists and the Ayatollahs have a lot in common when it comes to criticism of Islam, they don't tolerate it.
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Re: Jihad against the Jews
Reply #23 - Oct 3rd, 2024 at 11:02pm
Seen a few videos of Hezbollah tunnels they're equipped with a wide variety of weapons and thermal scopes.

It's inevitable they will lose a few troops easier terrain than urban warfare in Gaza which is worst case scenario.

Hezbollah fighters after Israeli elite army force entered Lebanese:
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Leftists and the Ayatollahs have a lot in common when it comes to criticism of Islam, they don't tolerate it.
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Laugh till you cry
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Re: Jihad against the Jews
Reply #24 - Oct 4th, 2024 at 12:19am
Why not?
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Please don't thank me. Effusive fawning and obeisance of disciples, mendicants, and foot-kissers embarrass me.
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Australian Politics

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Re: Jihad against the Jews
Reply #25 - Oct 4th, 2024 at 12:49am
S A R A H✌️🇵🇸

The first Zionist tank tried to enter Lebanon and was evaporated by the resistance's fire...

It's a Russian tank getting blown up in Ukraine.

The bullshit is still Baghdad Bob levels with muslims reporting on this war.
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Leftists and the Ayatollahs have a lot in common when it comes to criticism of Islam, they don't tolerate it.
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Laugh till you cry
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Re: Jihad against the Jews
Reply #26 - Oct 4th, 2024 at 11:39am
Baronvonrort wrote on Oct 4th, 2024 at 12:49am:
S A R A H✌️🇵🇸

The first Zionist tank tried to enter Lebanon and was evaporated by the resistance's fire...

It's a Russian tank getting blown up in Ukraine.

The bullshit is still Baghdad Bob levels with muslims reporting on this war.

That's about 1/1000th of Netanyhu's bullshit.

Bvr is starting to panic.
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Please don't thank me. Effusive fawning and obeisance of disciples, mendicants, and foot-kissers embarrass me.
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Australian Politics

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Re: Jihad against the Jews
Reply #27 - Oct 5th, 2024 at 11:16pm
Sarai (Sarah Idan) Miss Iraq

Thank you the @IDF
for saving an Iraqi woman from Hamas. The
@Israel cares for Iraqi minority groups more than our own corrupt Iraqi government.

Young Yazidi girl was captured by ISIS sold as a sex slave found in Gaza by the IDF and returned to her family in Iraq.
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Leftists and the Ayatollahs have a lot in common when it comes to criticism of Islam, they don't tolerate it.
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Australian Politics

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Re: Jihad against the Jews
Reply #28 - Oct 5th, 2024 at 11:18pm
Amjad Taha أمجد طه

Congratulations to humanity and Lebanon! Hashem Safieddine, who was appointed as the head of Hezbollah just three days ago, has now been eliminated by Israel. NEXT 🎊

Hezbollah is hiring will LTYC finally get a job?

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Leftists and the Ayatollahs have a lot in common when it comes to criticism of Islam, they don't tolerate it.
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Australian Politics

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Re: Jihad against the Jews
Reply #29 - Oct 5th, 2024 at 11:21pm
Warning! ⚠️
Graphic violence
The Gazan Justice system in all its glory

Life under fundamental Islamic rule
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Leftists and the Ayatollahs have a lot in common when it comes to criticism of Islam, they don't tolerate it.
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