Aussie is hoping I will show my hand as being just like Aussie and his cause of actions.
Sorry Aussie. I'm better than you.
And a one. And a two. And a three.
"Na na nana na!"

Must suck being you and Monk and using 'new friends' as your shyte-kickers to do your dirty works.
Just like you both did with Redmond Neck who thought you were the best new friends and turned against his original friends... until for Redmond Neck:
You achieved, through him, your goals and then showed him who you all really were and gave him a kick up the bum as his reward and let him know how 'stupid' he really was for trusting you lot. Nasty stuff that. Redmond Neck now has a fear of anyone on this Forum and sticks to playing Wordles, Quordles and anything like them 'only'.
How's your Lisa (aka: your 'secret' Mole sock)?
Leaving you here all by yourself to continue your crusade for a Golden Fleece?