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Question: 2025 Election predictions

Labor returns with majority Gov    
  0 (0.0%)
Labor forms minority Gov    
  5 (55.6%)
Shock horror! LNP majority Gov    
  2 (22.2%)
LNP forms minority Gov    
  2 (22.2%)

Total votes: 9
« Last Modified by: Captain Nemo on: Sep 28th, 2024 at 9:49am »

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2025 Election predictions (Read 151 times)
Captain Nemo
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2025 Election predictions
Sep 28th, 2024 at 9:47am
They usually say: "The polls always tighten closer to the actual election" ... what happens when the polls are already 50-50 6 months out?  Grin
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The 2025 election could be a shocker.
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Re: 2025 Election predictions
Reply #1 - Sep 28th, 2024 at 10:46am
I predict the election will be in March, weekend the 22,23rd.
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Captain Nemo
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Re: 2025 Election predictions
Reply #2 - Sep 28th, 2024 at 11:35am
Daves2017 wrote on Sep 28th, 2024 at 10:46am:
I predict the election will be in March, weekend the 22,23rd.

Could be. Labor might want to avoid doing another Budget.
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The 2025 election could be a shocker.
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Grappler Truth Teller Feller
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Re: 2025 Election predictions
Reply #3 - Sep 28th, 2024 at 11:47am
Parties 1 & 2 - People 0.

I predict a whitewash of Labor - but jeez - with that Opposition? 

A rush of Indepedendents, sadly people still want to believe in the Madonna complex, which is why they imagine voting in TEALs will generate a more loving home of Australia... you can't vote in more vapid middle 'class' sheilas and actually expect them to know WTF they are doing.... other than enjoying the sweet life doing nothing and crying about how hard it is ... perfect JOB for a sheila - except these aren't jobs or careers - they are duties to the people... do the job or get out!

It will take a few evolutions for the people to work out that it's past time to ditch all the parties , and actually work out what is and what is not important and even real.  Nonsense like 'the voice' and 'wage gap' are not remotely real.... all this gonad cutting is not real.... all these 'commissions' filled up with old mates and used to circumvent the law and courts and act as Star chambers need to go .... get rid of the governor-general after that last debacle of yet another old mate copping a sweet ride for life ... enough of this government handing out these lovely 'posts' like some f
cking Feudal Lords Dominant Over All  (I will give you a thousand acres!!  Best way is to cut out these 'jobs' without any worth).. I guess we'll just have to become a Republic... can still be part of the BritCom ... Chuckie can still be King Without Power and a friendly visiting monarch we all adore...
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“Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passion, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence.”
― John Adams
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Grappler Truth Teller Feller
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Re: 2025 Election predictions
Reply #4 - Sep 28th, 2024 at 12:05pm
At State level, due to the backblast from the Voice By Stealth, which has not gone unnoticed despite the relative media silence over it - most people commenting on anything related to it are boiling mad and lusting for vengeance over a government that went directly against their wishes - Labor will suffer like they did in the NT - again, jeez - look at the Opposition...  FFS.. what have we got that's any good for this country?

In NSW I don't even know who the Opposition leader is.... I heard someone say it was another Dago named Fuktifino or something... Jesus, them Dagoes know where the easy money is.

Country's in dire straits - divided against itself as never before - all the good will that went to the Cheers following Ruddski's groveling apology has vanished now given their hostility and endless demands without merit - and Albo's voice farce put an end to it.  Slowly but surely people are waking up and are standing their ground...  they said NO once - they'll do it again, and again, and they will not be silenced this time by abuse or violence or threats.
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“Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passion, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence.”
― John Adams
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Grappler Truth Teller Feller
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Re: 2025 Election predictions
Reply #5 - Sep 28th, 2024 at 12:08pm
Can't vote on that poll - might disturb the spirits or something and bring on disaster for the people - again.

**day dreams**  Ah yes - just like the Good Old Days of the Weimar Republic.... the 'Left' are hopeless liars; the 'Soft Right' are hopeless liars; the rest of the Leftists and Rightists are useless empty seats.... unable to form a government perhaps the politicians could just decide to hand over dictatorship to a Neo-Hitler type of either Left or Right, and rely on the democratic process to control him (it won't be a 'her' - women in power are not considered 'strong') ... and then the fun will begin.  Many good things might eventuate - the Sydney to Brisbane Autobahn might be finished etc... people will be ordered into homes and jobs...... a schtrong military will be built up ....national resources and virtues will become paramount ... and the Gauleiters currently controlling the various departments will behave according to the FuhrerPrinzip, take orders from the top ONLY!!... and they will only occdasionally actually meet with der Fuhrer and get some guidelines - otherwise they will just rampage across the land at their whim, fully trusted by Das Reich.  The Ministry of Abo Affairs (MAA, MAA) will apportion out the land to its pets and will enforce removal of Der Chews occupying it now, resume their property .... The Ministry of Justice will ensure that justice is the sole prerogative of the State at its whim ... The Ministry for Fair Pay will ensure that some are paid more per hour to make up for the hours they don't work (sort of an old mate sheila governor-general gig, where they make up this terrible wage gap of her never having served and getting service super by giving her a calculated equivalent - now that's 'The Wage Gap' for you, right there and written loud - sheilas being paid more for actually doing less!) ....

The position we find ourselves in here today, with these useless and ineffectual parties wrecking everything, is so similar it just isn't funny, even down to the concept that the New Chews are Invaders and must be moved off Volks land and Der Vrei Volk must have precedence in everything........ none so blind as you lot with your buckets of bleach ...  on the count of three - duck heads again...

Advance Australia - Where?
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« Last Edit: Sep 28th, 2024 at 12:24pm by Grappler Truth Teller Feller »  

“Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passion, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence.”
― John Adams
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Re: 2025 Election predictions
Reply #6 - Sep 28th, 2024 at 4:19pm
The teals will be interesting to watch.

They are going full tilt in Duddos  electorate and I predict on the back of their vote Duddo will retain his seat.

Labor would be upset! They could easily upset the Lnp and take the seat otherwise.

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Re: 2025 Election predictions
Reply #7 - Sep 28th, 2024 at 4:42pm

Albo will get his arse kicked and even lose his own seat.
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Grappler Truth Teller Feller
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Re: 2025 Election predictions
Reply #8 - Yesterday at 12:37am
Bobby. wrote on Sep 28th, 2024 at 4:42pm:
Albo will get his arse kicked and even lose his own seat.

We need more people to stand as True Independents.... not allied or associated with any party.... and prepared to put their full platform up for scrutiny....

When elected - my government will:-

.Immediately ban all 'gender transition' treatments for minors apart from psychiatric care.
.Re-open all National Parks and Public Lands to all equally - National Parks are in use as National Parks on a permanent basis, and Public Land is Public Land - not something to be handed to a private group without full and proper process as pertains to all equally.
.Drain the swamps of public service organisations and 'commissions' and make them lean and mean and keen, with special focus on those that support division by advocating for only one or a few groups, and not all equally.
.Abandon and revoke all 'treaties' signed with our own citizens, and resume all lands given unreasonably, reverting their holding instead into blocks of land for each family to live on or sell if they wish, determined on merit alone.
.Legally preclude the states from playing with 'treaties'.
.Will institute a 'reverse boat people policy', wherein malefactors of all kinds who show no sign of changing their ways will be placed on 'boat people' boats and transported back to the country of the 'people smuggler'.
.Will offer onshore processing of refugees, a fair opportunity to learn a useful skill while being processed, and then settlement here for those validated.
.Will develop a reasonable and reasoned immigration program, and will take a firm stand on excluding those who will not fit in without trouble.
.Will develop a program to deport those born here who persist in adhering to the wrongful kinds of 'traditions' of their 'old country' to the detriment of this country.
.Will develop a Provisional Citizenship system, wherein a person must show assimilation, working towards self-sufficiency, and respect for the law of this land and of those in it, or have citizenship revoked.
.Will formulate policy that those who state they are not citizens of this country and bound by the same rules as everyone else, will have their citizenship canceled, will be obliged to apply for visas on merit, and will receive no benefits of citizenship.

Just a one page simple request.... you understand..... a statement from the heart ..... simple really.... we haven't got to the re-education camps yet.... round up The Usual Suspects.... clean out the tent cities of Gaza Luvvahs etc and send 'em for an indeterminate period of re-education... when their minds are right they get out.... on parole...
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« Last Edit: Yesterday at 12:44am by Grappler Truth Teller Feller »  

“Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passion, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence.”
― John Adams
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