mothra wrote on Oct 2 nd, 2024 at 8:56am: Yadda wrote on Oct 2 nd, 2024 at 8:49am: John Smith, Yes i agree, that it is shocking !!!
Iran, targeting Israeli schools, with ballistic missiles !!!
........but at least EVERYONE knows, ........that there were no IDF hiding in those schools. Some kids are more important than others.
Right Yadda? Dear mothra, The point being made, is that the IDF do NOT, NOT, NOT, and have not >> EVER << targeted 'schools'. The IDF >> always << target armed militants. AND, the IDF has EVERY RIGHT......to target those who are attacking Israeli civilians [Israeli men, women, and children]. . QUESTION; Why is there a 'never ending' war.......in Gaza ?
Conveniently, the followers of ISLAM [themselves] present to us, an explanation for their 'never ending' war [if you will >> accept << that [i.e. their own] explanation ]. n.b. This explanation is from a moslem cleric, an ISLAMIC holy man, well versed in ISLAMIC >> religious << doctrine........ Quote: There Can Be No End to Jihad'
Islamist Sheikh Omar Bakri Muhammad, in an exclusive interview, discusses the rationale for 9/11 11/05/2007
...Any weapons are legitimate in jihad. Even animals may be used as "suicide bombers"! It is not restricted by target—
....even Muslims or children, if used by the enemy as human shields, can be killed.
....Killing women and children never was and never will be part of the jihad in Islam, whether that be the women or children of the Muslims or non-Muslims. So if Chechen mujahedeen killed women and children in Beslan, I would condemn it. The children of non-Muslims, such as those at Beslan, who die in such circumstances go to Paradise.
....Women and children [i.e. boys under 15] or Muslims are not legitimate targets—nor are any noncombatants [clergy, disabled, insane, elderly, etc.]. Not even Israeli children or women, unless they serve in the military, which most do, or live in properties taken from dispossessed Palestinians (Muslim or Christian), which virtually all do.
However, if children are killed, the fault lies with the adult occupiers who brought them into a battlefield situation. http://www.christianitytoday.com/ct/2005/februaryweb-only/22.0.htmln.b. That according to ISLAM's own 'rules of war', those who bring children into conflict areas/scenarios, are responsible for their deaths. Hamas.