aquascoot wrote on Oct 1
st, 2024 at 1:16pm:
most politicians who THINK they are intelligent have a big PROGRAM
whitlam, rudd, gillard, blair.
the fact that both harris and trump are fairly scatter brained and dont have a big program is a blessing.
Harris and the Democratic Party have laid out their platform in extensive detail.
The issue lies with Trump’s lack of a coherent plan (assuming we take his claims about Project 2025 at face value). His supporters often attempt to deflect from this glaring deficiency by falsely equating it with Harris’s platform, as if that will undo the Trump's platform of nothing more than self-interest. This simply isn't true.
You can explore Harris’s detailed policy proposals here: the overall Democratic platform here: are not vague ideas or "concepts of a plan", they offer a comprehensive outline of their objectives and the means to achieve them.
In stark contrast, Trump's platform boils down to
20 bullet points, resembling a hastily compiled list of corporate slogans and a few page supporting document. The difference in substance is unmistakable.
The reality is, you haven’t taken the time to understand either side’s platform. You assume Harris has no plan, likely because you’d rather avoid confronting Trump’s true agenda, or, more accurately, the agenda of those pulling the strings while he distracts himself with golf, rallies (70+ before the 2020 campaign even began), and cozying up to dictators.